They will be court-ordered to change the name to “DOUCHE.”
heh, wondered if someone had updated the wikipedia page list of humorous units of measurement and lo:
A Scaramucci (or Mooch) is 11 (sometimes 10) days and is named after the length of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s tenure under President Trump.
no sign of a ‘Liz Truss’ yet however; which is 44 days or 4 scaramucci
one more and i’m off to join a MLK day - for that is what it is dammit: Dr Martin Luther King Jr day - walk and sign-holding: “Difficult and painful as it is, we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future”
Not a new idea, but certainly worth promoting the idea of transparency / disclosures…
An analogous version w would need to have smaller logos to make room for all the corporate sycophancy. Or maybe use a full photo with that man covered head to toe (like how NASCAR jumpsuits are covered in corporate logos):
Maybe we are just witnessing some kind of performance art?
Given the current situation, Elno is 90% of the way to this performance piece already:
RIP, Mojo… “if you ain’t got Mojo Nixon, your store could use some FIXIN’!”
But Meme Coin sounded sooo stable!
Oh my, Graham just compared him to Moses.
As played by Charlton Heston?
Full of manure?
And horses’ rumps?
Oh Lindsey, girl
Good girl!
He just said he was saved by God to make America great again.
He’s liberating me.