You think the ACLU will be hiring soon?
I don’t know. They’re funded mostly from donations, so probably not. Although, I’ve seen a lot of people posting on social media about donating to them, so maybe.
ETA: Which reminds me, I need to renew my membership.
White men are pandas. They need captive breeding and an artificially destabilized ecosystem to survive.
Go with one of the other I guess? /S
This kind of thinking is so fucking useless too.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED…
And Senator Collins is concerned.
When they latch on to something they never let it go.
They’re willing to spend countless millions on this while withholding money from California for reasons.
Remembering who Trump thought was just like him.
In March 2013, Roberts received a message from someone selling on the Silk Road, who used the name “Friendly Chemist.” The chemist had somehow captured the real names of Silk Road users and sellers and was threatening to publish it unless he was paid $500,000.
Chemist said he needed the money to pay off his suppliers, who in turn used the name “redandwhite” and were connected with the Hell’s Angels. So Roberts went around Chemist and contacted redandwhite to see if another solution could be found.
What emerged was a plot to kill Friendly Chemist (ostensibly a Canadian living in British Columbia), and later, an associate and his family in order to protect the Silk Road. Based on information contained on the Silk Road server, Roberts paid redandwhite close to $750,000 to murder the chemist as well as five other people.
What Roberts didn’t know is that he was apparently being conned. As part of the investigation, FBI agents attempted to trace the slaying of Friendly Chemist in British Columbia (Roberts had what he believed to be the chemist’s real name and address) but could find no trace of the individual or even any evidence of murders in the town where he was supposedly from.
On an anonymous network on the dark side of the Internet, where anyone can assume any identity, it would appear that the criminal mastermind Dread Pirate Roberts had been taken for a dupe.
Deeply concerned, indeed.
Nice gotcha, but I’d like to see the laughter hit the fan in the form of hospital administrators following the letter of that law, by recording all births as “female.”
“At conception we are all female. Transition to male doesn’t occur for weeks”
Yes, Mr Trump, either you’re female or you’re claiming to be a trans male. Which is it?
I see. I beg your pardon.
And here is where they find out that all the anticipatory obedience in the world does not matter. Il Douche cannot tolerate even mild criticism or fact checking. This is gonna get ugly.