Our nation turns it’s lonely eyes to you
woo, woo, woo
We’re the psychopath. Collectively, though not individually.
Exactly; the collective US is Killgrave, not Jessica Jones.
I can see now why that’s true for viewers of the show, but I (like most people) know nothing at all about the show, so as a standalone image, it works great as a metaphor for me.
Context matters.
I highly recommend watching Jessica Jones S1.
Sure, and in the case of gifs, it matters to those who know the context. Tons of gifs work well outside of their context, obviously.
Thanks for the TV rec!
Sorry, added archive link.
This shit again…
Yah! More pyramids and dolmens!
It is social network cultural war all way down. Is It too soon to say Chan Administration?
Sheesh. Nothing Nazi adjacent about that, nope, Nothing at all.
One of the most famous examples of Nazi appropriation of classical art is the monumental architecture of Albert Speer, Hitler’s chief architect, who designed grandiose buildings inspired by the classical temples and palaces of ancient Greece and Rome.
Edit: As @ObakeBakaNeko noted!
I read his Playboy interview. He sure had charm, wit, and he could give details that made him seem like he was a victim of the 3dR. Than again, the interview with Edward Teller had the same tone, despite the difference in their professions.