So Denmark’s right wing is more willing to stand up to Trump than the USA’s left wing.
Sadly, the US doesn’t have a left wing. We’re stuck with centrists and a far right.
Greenland doesn’t look as big on globes.
On a more hopeful (?) note:
Thinking they were ICE, and trained to refuse entry to any immigration official, the staff at the school refused to let them come in. (As it turns out, they were from the Secret Service.) In NYC, a mother of a student in middle school called the principal, saying she was too afraid to send her child to school. The principal told her to send the child to school, adding, “ICE is going to have to arrest me before they arrest your daughter.” He reassured her that he would lock her daughter in his office if he had to, just to protect her from ICE. The mother ended up bringing her child to school.
I want to stress these stories (and I encourage others to do the same) because the Republicans—and some well intentioned left critics of the Republicans—would have you believe that Trump is moving through political space like a knife through butter. I wrote my first book on fear, and one of the issues I focused on there (based, in part, on my own bitter personal experience) is how it is often the most well intentioned, and “concerned,” observer or bystander who provides the crucial, and unintended, aid to repressive power. (Sterling Hayden, the actor who played the corrupt cop in The Godfather that Al Pacino kills, wrote an entire memoir about his struggles with McCarthyism in Hollywood, and one of the more unsavory aspects of that memoir involves a sympathetic therapist reinforcing the message of how powerful the red-hunters were and how horrible it would be if he were blacklisted.) Merely bemoaning just how effective the repression is, how reality is so terrible and resistance so absent (or futile), can become an amplifying instrument to power.
Academics, journalists, progressives, and those who care about the unfortunate and the downtrodden, are all too prone to supply this unintended service to power, acting as a relay system for the right-wing bat signal, extending its range far beyond what it is actually capable of.
To that end, I want to close with a report from the Washington Post about this week’s immigration raids, which have understandably aroused the most intense concern. I hesitate to close with this report, lest I be misread as saying that things aren’t bad. I’m not saying that, and I want you to read my citing this report in the spirit of what I’ve just said: It’s critical, while documenting the moral and political crimes of this administration, not to amplify the message that they want you to believe in more than anything else: that they have all the power, that they are far more empowered this time than they were last time, and that they are acting with impunity and without difficulty.
Here is the Post:
'The White House said immigration agents have arrested 538 undocumented immigrants with criminal records and deported “hundreds” more. Those numbers, if accurate, would be relatively modest for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement surge operations — a possible indication that the Trump administration’s show of force has so far outpaced the government’s capacity to deliver on the president’s lofty goals.
'The number of arrests the White House publicized was lower than the 675 detained in similar raids after Trump took office in 2017 threatening to deport “millions” of people, though he never came close to that number.
'The flights departed from Texas and Arizona, officials said. ICE Air is continuing to operate deportation flights alongside military planes, officials said.‘Tom Cartwright, who tracks ICE deportations for the immigrant advocacy group Witness at the Border, called the military operation “theater of the absurd” in a post on X. “The only thing new about this is subjecting people to transport on a cargo plane,” Cartwright wrote. He noted that ICE carried out 508 deportation flights to Guatemala during the 2024 fiscal year on planes that averaged 125 passengers.’
Evil. That man is pure evil. (Not Fauci)
Trump is all but ordering his cult to murder the man. Right after pardoning some of the most dangerous of them…
I do not understand this, he’s been calling Newsom scum for weeks yet in person Newsom is thanking him and trump is being cordial.
Also, has anyone noticed Melania has been at his side the last few days wherever he goes.
“Most importantly, thank you for being here,” Newsom said, looking toward Mr. Trump. “It means a great deal to all of us — not just the folks in Palisades, the folks in Altadena that were devastated. We’re gonna need your support. We’re gonna need your help. You were there for us during COVID. I don’t forget that. And I have all the expectations that we’ll be able to work together.”
Isn’t using military cargo planes to transport 80 people at a time not very cost effective, especially if you want to deport millions?
My county Facebook page is giving daily reports about deportation numbers but when you point out those numbers are only slightly higher then previous administrations they get all worked up.
The comment I saw that summed up their Christian values “why do you care about people you don’t even know”.
My guesses:
Newsom thanks him because his state needs the aid. the rapist felon is being cordial because his butt is being kissed and he has poor short term memory.
Melanie may now be one of Drumph’s handlers.
Or Trump has been threatening to kill her and she no longer has doubts. Or she’s just as complicit. Or both?
Trump’s going to revoke Melania’s citizenship and have her deported.
Pass it on!
What I have heard of that revoking birth right thing would mean that Barron isn’t US citizen…
All his children except Tiffany are anchor babies.
Sorry Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka & Barron - start packing!
Also, he will have to be re-named “Barroness” because he’s now technically female.
This is literally how he saved his own neck at Nürnberg.
That is precisely what he is doing. “Will no one rid me of this troublesome scientist?” His spite is as predictable as his ignorance.
In those areas I’m more afraid they’ll use it as a cover to conduct violent raids tbh.
The situation for people in apartments already here when they get condemned from storm damage is that the tenant gets notified within a week that they have to move even during a pandemic and then are just homeless if they don’t sort that out and the company that runs the place can’t be sued because it just declared bankruptcy and that’s that…
But that’s also just anecdote and my morning trauma dump…