That would surprise me. Hard for Tromp to personally profit from that. But who knows, maybe he’s recently purchased Haliburton stock.
I don’t think it’s directly aimed at his bottom line. He’s just a cruel asshole who thinks that this kind of thing makes him look tough. If it is aimed at his bottom line, it’s so he can sell more stupid stuff to his hardcore followers.
I honestly don’t believe he’s solely driven by his desire for greater wealth, not entirely or directly. He certainly wants to be seen in a particular way - as a tough guy that everyone admires for his saber-rattling ways.
Good point, I think.
It’s not just for pets!
I would take issue with those assessments. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t see them as human (certainly not in the sense of “beings like himself”). If he recognizes anyone else as human, it’s an extremely small group (of rich white male sex offenders).
I don’t think he does… he will toss people over when he’s done using them, no matter how wealthy and powerful and like him they are. He’s a person with no ounce of humanity inside him, not even that of class solidarity. He’s a total and endless void of hate, violence, and selfishness.
Yeah, it’s true - as a sociopath/psychopath for whom all relationships are transactional, he treats everyone terribly. It makes it difficult to tell if there are people he doesn’t recognize the basic humanity of, but I feel like there are those tiers for him, where those who aren’t seen as real people (defined largely by racism and misogyny) don’t get even the minimal considerations he gives to those he sees as being like himself (which could just be publicly pretending that he’s treating them as human). But when all relationships are transactional, just seeing classes of people as being true “outsiders,” i.e. unable to do anything for him or his supporters, could be enough to explain that…
I don’t know much about military stuff, but even to my uneducated eye, that looks like a terrible set of priorities for what Republicans keep saying needs to be “the most strong and lethal warfighting warrior war fighting force in the world and beyond (as long as you’re not woke, trans, and/or female)”.
They want to add all these new ships, but who’s going to build them? Massive reductions in civilian and contractor workforce sure won’t help.
Meanwhile let’s stockpile outdated weapons systems because cost savings or something? How Soviet of us!
Cancel the commissary and DoD school programs? That’ll do wonders for morale and retention. Or maybe they are just hoping people will get killed off before they can care about such things.
Every time I hear these chuds use the words “warrior” and “lethality”, I throw up in my mouth a little.
The “funny” thing is no matter what happens here, they will just ask Congress for even bigger budgets year over year, and most Dems will sign off on it because they don’t want to look “weak on defense”.
He’s lacking basic humanity. Full stop. I don’t think we need to try and explain his behavior other than that, really.
I can’t remember if anyone’s posted this:
“Low confidence”=“we’re just trying to keep the boss happy. Please ignore this.”
Now he’s fucking with people’s coffee. Heads will roll.
And Juan Valdez will kick his enormous ass.
25% tariff on all goods coming from Columbia?
Coffee is about to suddenly cost 25% no 50% no make that double
I suspect that might atteact a bit of attention.
Everything Trump does can be understood from the simple perspective of bullying. So of course he wants to look tough against China, but I don’t think he would actually want a war with them, because he has no idea how an actual fight would go. For that he’d rather pick on small non-aggressive countries like Panama, Denmark, and Canada. He has all the strategic complexity of an insecure fish.
Yup. He’s just a big bully.
Everything he does comes from a perspective of asserting dominance whether or not it’s the right thing to do or if it makes any damn sense at all. As the Jesus he claims to follow said, “might always makes right”. He sees something he wants and he does everything he can to take it, no matter what. Whether it’s the genitals of women, or Greenland. He’s like Veruca Salt without any of the consequences.
I don’t like bullies.