The Onion buys infowars. (No joke)

Perhaps that’s where he hides the bodies? :laughing:



Oh no.


That might just be about AJ’s Twitter account being part of auction.


Do Texas judges just like get off sexually by being total killjoys?

I hope this all works out for the Onion. That is definitely what would be best for humanity.

Also, am I the only one who misses Clickhole?


Alex Jones is increasingly acting like he thinks it won’t work out for The Onion:

As this odd situation played out, however, Infowars’ website came back online on Friday afternoon; soon after, Jones and his staff had also returned to Infowars‘ studios. Throughout Friday and Saturday morning, the site was full of stories preemptively declaring Jones’ victory over the Onion.

“I told you,” Jones crowed during a Friday night broadcast, back behind his usual desk. “If you want a fight, you got one.”


We really need those angry and puke emojis


Just stalling until Jan 6?


Hard to say. It really would suck to see Jones emerge stronger than ever because he’s got Musk and Tromp pulling for him/propping him up, as he also claims in that piece. It’s strange to me that lawyers for Musk can get involved in court proceedings for the sale at auction of property, a sale that Musk had nothing to with.


I heartily agree!
Instead of rats fleeing a sinking ship, they’re gathering together and gleefully poking holes in it. (I mean no insult to actual rats.)



The auction drew only two bidders. Walter J. Cicack, a Houston lawyer representing First United American Companies, a business associated with an online supplement store that bears Mr. Jones’s name, bid $3.5 million in cash for Infowars’ website, related websites and Infowars’ lucrative supplements business.

So only AJ and the Onion bid for Infowars.

Actual expert isn’t worried and is going to a take a vacation.


The thing I am worried about is that this is another Gawker situation, that whatever the outcome of the sale is now, the unholy alliance of the new administration, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and (as an afterthought) Alex Jones will destroy the Onion as revenge and just because they can


Gawker was personal. Nobody cares enough about AJ to help him. I think that him getting only $3.5 million proof enough for and I’m guessing most of that came from his parents.

AJ is a fossil he has been replaced in the nazi pipeline for long time. Forget man yelling about how the elites get their marching orders from demons by a way of people in isolation tanks or something on DMT IV drip.

AJ of course just remixes old stuff… Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.)

AJ is a guy who says that God wakes him up to take a piss and then God tells him what time it is to the second. He saw the future while eating a fried chicken steak in a diner.

ETA: Fixed this for clarity.


Oh, yeah, if they did this, it wouldn’t be about Alex Jones. It would be a “you dare go against our side” thing. They can’t stand being mocked and the Onion has been a thorn in their side for a long time. Especially if Elon gets involved now (as it seems he is) and loses, I can see revenge happening.


small pedantic point of order, if i may.
the popular diner dish is a chicken fried steak, not fried chicken steak. picture a schnitzel with a white cream gravy and you got it.
although, being John Lilly, it could have been anything, really…


I wrote that stupidly. AJ ate the steak and all the other stuff.

The Secret Rulers of the World Part 4: “The Satanic Shadowy Elite?”

Original air date: 20 May 2001

Jon Ronson follows conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones as Jones attempts to infiltrate the annual gathering of dignitaries and business leaders (reportedly including George W. Bush and Henry Kissinger) at the Bohemian Grove. The film includes footage of attendees dressed in robes and burning an effigy at the foot of a giant stone owl. Jones believes that the ceremony is related to occult secret societies. After the event, Ronson meets comedy actor and fellow attendee Harry Shearer, who describes the event as a glorified fraternity party. Shearer largely dismisses Jones’s dramatic retelling of the gathering and notes that the music is supplied by the Symphony Orchestra of San Francisco.

Fun watch. Even funnier if you have seen AJ’s version called Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove… Don’t watch that…



I’m on awe that they can keep satire a step ahead of reality.


No stupidity is involved if one hasn’t spent ages checking out various Yankistani diner menus.

I had a chicken fried steak in Seattle once. I really did need the provided steak knife. Unlike schnitzel, pounding fuck out of it before the ahem battering and frying was evidently not part of its preparation.