TBH, this morning, I’m a little less enamored with dogs. Mine bit me last night.
Eh, foxes are just canid hardware running felid software. It’s a nice midpoint. It makes perfect sense.
I joked to my parents that rabbits are squirrels running dog software on a cat operating system.
Oh hey! I’m a puppy girl (okay, puppy person) myself!
I’m running a cat OS, infected by a tiny, annoying, yapping dog virus.
On old tube-base hardware.
So…my parents are, at some point in the next year or so, going to sell their house and move into a retirement community, one of those where you can start off in independent living, then transition to assisted living, and then full nursing care, as needed. So my mom has begun getting rid of stuff that they have collected since they moved into their current home back in 1978. Yesterday, my mom emailed me and said she was sending me my Christmas stockings. She made one of them, my grandmother made the other one. I totally understand why she attaches value to these, but I have mixed emotions. I have fond memories of Christmas growing up, and of emptying those stockings to find all kinds of cheap little toys and candy on Christmas morning. However, those stockings also have my name on them. My old name. So I’m not going to use these at Christmas, I’m not going to display them, and I don’t know if I even want to keep them. All I’ll do is stick them in a box and hide them away somewhere, and I hate doing shit like that. I guess I’ll wait until they get here and see how I feel about it. I don’t want to hurt my mom’s feelings, but I also have no use for these. They are more sentimental to her than they are to me. At the same time, I appreciate that she’s doing this now, and not just keeping everything so that my brother and I would have to go through all this stuff when they’re gone.
Is there any chance you know a transman with that name?
Now I’m envisioning a Craig’s List for old personalized items.
I don’t, but I like the idea.
Also, the one thing of hers I do want, that I already told her I want, I think she may have forgotten about and I feel weird about bringing it up. She has this really old Singer sewing machine. I wants it.
ETA: It’s similar to this:
My mom has a newer one that has a treadle like that, but the one I want was her mother’s, which I linked to a similar one in an edit on my post above.
We are in a similar situation, so our solution was to get a new stocking with youngest’s initial on it, her boyfriend ironically has her old initial so we can recycle hers for his. She says she is all in favor, and it lets my wife not discard something that is very sentimental to her. All works out, i guess.
My mom had one of those – black cast iron casing. I once used it to sew a leather belt holder for my calculator, back around 1975ish. We actually used belt holders back then. Of course that was after slide rules disappeared (with their belt holders).
/showing my age
My dad had an old slide rule like that. I think he gave it to me when I went to college, but I certainly never used it, and I must have lost it somewhere along the way.
I did for the first year or two.
I remember getting a calculator very early, and feeling smug during a test when all the other folks used the old technology.
Ours was just black.
I’m sure I made a bunch of things with it, but I only recall the holder.
My grandma had one of these, i’ve told the story elsewhere that an aunt sold it without consulting the family and i’m still upset about it. Irrationally i feel like i want to “buy it back” by getting one just like it, but realistically i haven’t because i don’t sew.
I don’t really sew, either (not that well, but am — slowly — learning), and we have a modern machine anyway. But it is a work of art as much as a functional item, which is mostly why I want it.