The Unshittification of Technology

Maybe, but 99% of it’s still gonna be in pointless stuff, bloat, fancy UI bells and whistles. A word processor today does nothing (of notice in the end product) that a word processor 30 years ago couldn’t do. But it requires several gigabytes more RAM and hard drive space to do the exact same things.

However, an average user will never even stress a mid-range modern processor. Browsing the web or editing your recipes or whatever, that doesn’t even come close to the capacity of a modern CPU. Even using today’s ridiculously bloated programs. Even high-end games, with their 60fps graphics - the GPUs can handle just fine.

Hardware really isn’t the problem anymore, it’s how we use it that matters. That’s doubly important in making optimal use of multicore processors, and even moreso in distributed networked systems. And that’s all on the software design. But for most things that most people are using computers for, the hardware’s already more than enough. It’s ok for Moore’s law to tap out now. We’ve got more than we need from it.


I know. sucks.

Something that couldn’t be done easily because everyone assumed the bigot brigade would quash it.

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Fascinating; I had no idea we had two definitions. And I took a course in college (Intro to Engineering I think it was called) with a large section devoted to units and to manipulate them. It included converting English to metric and back. But I never heard of this. Does this explain that Mars spacecraft that failed? :thinking:

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Only if the meteorology software somehow got from Bob’s rong meteorology home-roll to JPL.

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Uh, can you translate please? :man_shrugging:

A thesis project in the midwest from the 70s? I was spitballing. Like the way I assume “chemtrails” came from someone mishearing “contrails”.

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Ah. Thnx.

I hadn’t thought of that about chemtrails. You’re probably right.

Had to look up spitballing. I must have stopped picking up slang around 1973.

I, on the other hand, watch far too much tv.

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This may make you cringe. Hey, it makes me cringe and I do NP swabs daily and have them done to me. I suspect it’ll be a while before folks get comfortable with this tech. But I think this is a positive thing.


Getting fed up trying to read my emails.

Everything is always very cramped with the standard 3-pane view. If I enforce readable fonts and font sizes, I can only see a small fragment of each of the folder list, message list, and current message.

In Thunderbird, the left side of the text is also jammed against the folder list, so I run into my usual issues with scrolling and migraines. In some other email apps, the font selections, cursor blink settings, etc. can’t be modified.

Any suggestions which avoid the 3-pane view?

P.S. I can rearrange it in Thunderbird, and get rid of extra toolbars, so I think I just need some way to set a hefty left margin.

P.S. Used some css for the left margin.

/@namespace url(;/

/*The line to always hide the ‘remote content’ notification bar */

#msgNotificationBar {display: none !important;}

display: none;

/* Global UI font */

  • { font-family: Andika !important; }
  • { font-size: 16pt !important; }

/* Message List */


treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text {
font-size: 16pt !important;
color: black !important

/* treechildren::-moz-tree-row {
margin-top: 0pt !important;
margin-bottom: 8pt !important;
} */

treecolpicker:not([hideheader=“true”]) {
-moz-appearance: none !important;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;

treecolpicker:not([hideheader=“true”]):hover {

/* Folder List */


treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text {
font-size: 16pt !important;

/* treechildren::-moz-tree-row {
margin-top: 0pt !important;
margin-bottom: 8pt !important;
} */

/* Message Pane */

#messagepane {margin-left: 160pt !important;}