Wanderthread Redux (Part 1)


Not “Trump’s goons”, NYPD.

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I don’t think Oliver’s segment had anything to do with going to war with China. But gigantically rich Chinese are just as fascist/authoritarian as our gigantically rich people, and they play the social media too.

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Conflict within the Wall o’Moms org:

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Not really what I was going for.

More like:

a) John Oliver’s long-established habit of uncritically repeating state department propaganda when discussing countries targeted by the empire (not just China, see also Venezuela etc) and supporting US militarism (remember the “paid patriotism” episode, where his main complaint was that the NFL wasn’t doing recruitment propaganda for free?)…

Might be explained by:

b) He is married to an extremist advocate of militarism and imperialism, which influences/reveals his underlying views on the subject. At best, it’s a demonstration of the wealthy liberal cliche of viewing life-and-death political issues as merely a matter for polite disagreement.

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Trump’s odds of winning are… not great, with Biden something like 8 points ahead in swing states, and close in Texas. When’s the last time an incumbent recovered when they were so far behind so close to the election? Maybe Truman, but that involved 2x 3rd-party campaigns and shoddy polling.

Trump’s odds of losing are rather higher.

Trump’s odds of cheating are 100%.

Therefore, Trump’s odds of losing and cheating are greater than his odds of winning.


Oliver is a credible international threat to rich assholes everywhere. The responses are going to be exactly the team-sports whataboutist variety.

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