…which is why they should be getting prescription heroin from the pharmacist, as happens in Scotland and other places.
As always, prohibition makes drugs more dangerous, not less.
…which is why they should be getting prescription heroin from the pharmacist, as happens in Scotland and other places.
As always, prohibition makes drugs more dangerous, not less.
And more attractive too. “Oooooh, the Establishment’s saying it’s bad so there MUST be SOMEthing good about it!”
And, of course, racialised as fuck.
Basically speaking, the death penalty is reserved for when poor Black people are accused (often falsely) of killing white people.
Remember when all the white libs were clutching pearls over this image?
Lotta shit gone down since then.
ÞRA version:
I couldn’t make out what the elder lady was saying that made the younger one laugh; could you type it out for me, please?
“She doesn’t give one shite”.
LOL, thanks!
I agree, though I don’t like lentils. I live mainly on whole-wheat toast and coffee.