Wanderthread Redux (Part 1)

How would you react if they were doing this to your kids? For how long could you tolerate this?

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Even if taken at face value, people who should never have been arrested in the first place are not helped by subjecting them to “rehabilitation”.

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Fascism is imperialism turned inwards:

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Libs now syncretising the shithead anti-abolition memes of “a few bad apples”, “they just need more training”, “our brave™️ and noble™️ troops would never behave this way” and “Biden’s shoot-them-in-the-leg plan was good and sensible, actually”.

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From “In defence of looting”:

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“School shooting”.

AKA “the cops came into a school, killed a student and accidentally shot themselves while doing it”.

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“The cops had to shoot, that Black girl had a knife”

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