Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

I left BB for the sake of keeping my own anger levels in check, but comment threads like this:

…sorely tempt me to go and post a dozen links to stories of Biden and assorted state-level Democrats massively increasing police funding and militarisation.

White supremacy is bipartisan. Moral culpability for white supremacy is bipartisan.

Reluctantly voting for Dems as a defensive measure? Often justifiable. Actively stanning [1] the Dems while not doing anything meaningful to alter the status quo? Not justifiable.


[1] In this context, anything less than “these people are despicable scum and their power needs to be destroyed ASAP for the sake of all humanity” = stanning.


…and now they’re talking about dogs and guns again. Same as every time.

The US Covid response did not become a megadeath catastrophe because Trump was incompetent. It became a megadeath catastrophe because the bipartisan US ruling class made a conscious, deliberate and continuing decision to prioritise corporate profit and power ahead of the welfare of the working class.

This week:

A few weeks ago:


And, of course, the Dems are ready to respond to today’s example of bipartisan white supremacy:



The white imperialists have Opinions™️ on how Black people should discuss Cuba.

Did you know that Tim Allen spent two and a half years in prison in the late 70’s after getting caught carrying a pound and a half of coke through an airport?

If he were Black, how many decades do you think he’d have left on his sentence?

Got done for drunk driving in the late ‘90’s, too. By then he was rich enough to be immune to consequences, though.

Reminded of this post:

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The empire is bipartisan.

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There was a whole thread under it. The usual liberal imperialist bullshit.