Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Remember how the Bolivian fash were waving bibles around and ranting about Satanic Indians during their coup?

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The TER and “Gender Critical” bigots have begun to harass John Rogers, Neil Gaiman, and other notables who came to Terry and Rhianna Pratchett’s defense. I’m not sure how many I’ve blocked and/or reported today, but I’m sure there will be more, crawling out from under their rocks to spew their noxious hatred.

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US academic in China having a meltdown because her whiteness does not exempt her from Covid restrictions:


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…which was imported to the US by White Russian fugitives and popularised by Henry Ford. Because it was useful for redirecting justice away from the plutocracy.


Freeze peach.

From the outside, it appeared that liberal/conservative America spent a lot of time in the early post-9/11 era congratulating themselves on how they were so civilised and modern that they hadn’t allowed their response to devolve into any of the things that the left warned of.

Lots of references to McCain’s defence of Obama’s religion, lots of “we are all Americans together fighting for freedom”, etc. etc.

Meanwhile, Muslim Americans were getting the crap persecuted out of them all over the country, and the already hyper-problematic dominant culture dissolved into an absolute orgy of ludicrously over-the-top nationalism.

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