Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

BTW: the Australian Capital Territory has laws about this.

At least in theory, scumbag bosses can face serious prison time.


:musical_note: No pot to piss in, makes competition
I fail to see how this is an effective system
Cats and dogs in America and Britain
Eat better food then most of humanity
We spend our technology only on killin’
How is this more than sophisticated savagery :musical_note:


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“Jail employee supervising inmates” is a very gentle way of saying “slave overseer”.

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US media appears to be having a coordinated hissyfit about petrol prices recently.

It’s around $2/L in rural Tas. AKA about $7.50/gallon.

Doesn’t bother me much; my bike gets 30km/L (70MPG) on the cruise.

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And, more to the point: not spend his entire life defending the plutocratic white supremacist American status quo that created the catastrophe. A nation with decent healthcare and basic rights for workers is much better equipped to cope with this sort of thing.

The primary cause of Covid in the USA is the lack of working class political power. The rest flows from that.

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The cost of one of those idiotic unnecessary $13,000,000,000 aircraft carriers could pay for a hell of a lot of laboratory and hospital space.

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