Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

I’d be as straight-faced as possible, “Do you want that for here or to go?”



“Privileged white people work from home for a while while the peasants continue to die in the factories and warehouses” ≠ lockdown.

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I quit going to those when it occurred to me that no one is worth the salary those actors are paid.

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People who had a cushion from which to work, not just white people.

Wouldn’t know, still keeping mine on, Doc!

is it bad that i like to make/embellish masks?

“Not all…”.

Yes, not all middle class people are white, and some working class people were able to shelter at home. And even some rich bastards are getting sick.

But the broad picture is very much that the heavily disproportionately racialised working class are the ones bearing the vast bulk of the burden of Covid. In terms of direct health impact as well as broader issues of economics, working conditions, policing, etc.

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Yes, that Shirley Temple.

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No matter what you think of her, she did lead an interesting life. Her relationship with Bill Robinson; John Ford directing her in “Wee Willie Winkie” and *liking" and *respecting her…and not being borrowed from 20th for “The Wizard of Oz”. Even she agreed with that.


Her first diplomatic posting was interesting:

She arrived well after the coup, but during the rule of the coup plotters.

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