Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Representative faces in high places are worse than useless when the existing power structure applies a filter to ensure that the only faces allowed to rise are attached to absolute scum.

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Well, doesnā€™t scum, like cream, go to the top?

The FBI was founded for the purpose of suppressing black and red dissent, and that remains their core function to this day.

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A friend of mine on FB, a white cis-female in my age range, expressed her fears about getting vaxxed and in a post asked what others thought. One person, a white cismale in his early 70s, said heā€™d rather notā€™ve but his wife worked with the elderly so he had no choice. My friend was worried about blood clots (J&J).

Getting vaxxed, IMNSHO, should be automatic. What are people gonna do - sue their parents for getting them vaccinated when they were 3 - 4 years old, because they werenā€™t given a choice to fucking possibly die and/or possibly cause others to die? I donā€™t get it one bit.

I got chicken pox at age 25; as a kid I had regular and rubella measles, respectively, even after being vaxxed. And my mom had every childhood disease known to man practically back in the mid-to-late 1920s (her younger and more robust sister brought them home, I was told by Mom); Iā€™m sure had vaccines been available for kids then, her mom woulda made sure she was first in line at the Huron County Dept. of Health to get 'em.

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Again, imagine the response if Trump had done this. I would expect references to Nero and Rome burning to feature heavily.

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OTOH, given the extreme racial disparity in US life expectancy (increased even further by the disproportionate impact of Covid), white Americans are probably still ahead of the Chinese average.

But probably not for much longer.

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Yā€™all remember that bit in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when Hunter goes to the utterly deranged drug conference for cops?

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