Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Utterly fucking deranged:

With comments locked down, of course. You have to go to the retweets for replies:

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Oh, thank you - I’m honestly not familiar w/either one and I felt bad I wasn’t, lol.

I don’t like participating in the society we have, so I generally don’t. But I’d like it to be improved for all those who suffer under it along with me.

(tho the peasant one made me think it was a reference to the peasants in “MP&tHG”.

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Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.

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Context in thread.

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Apparently from the Daily Heil.

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Ha! Talk about choosing evil!

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You’d think…sigh…they’d remember FDR as being disabled. I bet no one ever thought of euthanizing him. OH wait, he was rich rich rich, sorry. And smart smart smart.

Still, it’s kinda remarkable at the very least what he managed to do and to get other people to do.

Addendum: It’s now believed he had Guilain-Barre’ Syndrome, not polio. Not that it matters; as treatment for GBS was pretty much unknown of in the US of 1921, and the treatment for polio wasn’t much better.


What a probably willfully-obtuse asshole.

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:musical_note: And the music on the adverts plays like prisoners of war
Who’ve been forced to sell the weapons that they used to abhor
And if you tried to ask questions then they’ll back you into corners
And say you can’t ask questions if you haven’t got the answers :musical_note:

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