Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

I did as Joe recommended, and decided to try the CVS site first; I answered some questions about why I may want a test, and also one about whether I had Medicaid from Connecticut or Maine (I have Michigan Medicaid). After submitting my answers, I was taken to a page that told me I could get a test for $139.

Fuck that.

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Not surprised at all. He was a lefty alllll the way.

Shit, I might as well just go out and catch the virus and die. Preferably at the kerb of the WH.

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Graff from my old Sydney stomping grounds:


Remember all that “unlikely worst case scenario” stuff about clathrate bombs and how methane is a vastly more potent greenhouse gas than CO2?

To be honest, when I see them suggesting that, I would assume they were parodying the lethal recklessness of those who want to reopen schools, not continuing it.

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Me, I thought that might be the case…but I didn’t know for sure. I do think there are folks who truly think like that, though.

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I do marketing, and am for sure in the first category. One time, I was in a Walmart shopping for props for a photo shoot, with the Senior VP of sales and marketing, and she said “sometimes I think this job is just so dumb”. Sure, what’s being sold is important but I take photos and make flyers & graphics, and nothing that I do is important (apart from making enough money to keep my own trip going).

When I’m feeling saucy I might say that I make and email PDFs for a living, because that’s what takes up most of my time. The sector we sell for, if the front line people quit show showing up, actual human beings would be harmed. If I quit showing up, all those people would still need and receive the services, and the underlying business keeps on going. The most ridiculous part is that I make a fair bit more money than the entry-level people doing the actual (physically and emotionally demanding) hands on stuff. I don’t make as much as the nurses or the managers (or even the salespeople) but like I said, most days I make and email PDFs all day, in my pajamas.

Modernity is weird.

Edit: a word


JCO auditioning for Twitter’s character of the day again:


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Since today is the day that the Dems have chosen to venerate the saintly Capitol Police, a reminder:

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I love how Jackie Susann took him down in “Once is Not Enough” as “Tom Colt”.