Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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Those people did not die due to bad weather. They were killed as a deliberately chosen consequence of bipartisan US policy.


OTOH, if you think this means that the USA should remain in Afghanistan, then you haven’t learnt a fucking thing.

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I left BB for the sake of keeping my own anger levels in check, but comment threads like this:

…sorely tempt me to go and post a dozen links to stories of Biden and assorted state-level Democrats massively increasing police funding and militarisation.

White supremacy is bipartisan. Moral culpability for white supremacy is bipartisan.

Reluctantly voting for Dems as a defensive measure? Often justifiable. Actively stanning [1] the Dems while not doing anything meaningful to alter the status quo? Not justifiable.


[1] In this context, anything less than “these people are despicable scum and their power needs to be destroyed ASAP for the sake of all humanity” = stanning.


…and now they’re talking about dogs and guns again. Same as every time.

The US Covid response did not become a megadeath catastrophe because Trump was incompetent. It became a megadeath catastrophe because the bipartisan US ruling class made a conscious, deliberate and continuing decision to prioritise corporate profit and power ahead of the welfare of the working class.

This week:

A few weeks ago:
