Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


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Given the way things are going, we’re likely to end up with a permanently Covid-infested West and an embarrassingly Covid-free Asia.

How long before the CIA starts trying to smuggle plague bombs into Beijing?


I remember a Doonesbury strip with Roland Burton Hedley, Jr. interviewing some Cambodian folks about the secret bombings, and they were like, What secret? Nobody told us it was a secret!


Who made the modern USA what it is?

  1. The continued existence of the Missouri was a ridiculous Reaganite boondoggle that funnelled billions to defence contractors for no sensible purpose.

  2. The use of the Missouri for shore bombardment against Iraq was an unnecessary and manufactured PR exercise designed to justify the absurd expenditure of modernising and maintaining the BBs.

  3. Thirty years later and Americans will still reliably cheer when shown this murder porn.

while hst tried to push all that when he was in office

could ya pleez use a qualifier when you make statements like that? cos not all of us yanks are like that.

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“Not all men”. “Not all white people”.

To avoid continuing collective responsibility, active resistance is the minimum required from individuals. And that still does not obviate persistent historical responsibility.

All white people who are not actively working to undermine it are responsible for the continuation of white supremacy. All white people, including those working to undermine, are responsible for making right the historical harms of white supremacy.

All men who are not actively working to undermine it are responsible for the continuation of patriarchy. All men, including those working to undermine, are responsible for making right the historical harms of patriarchy.

If you were to say something like “Australians are racist, xenophobic bootlickers”, my response would be “yup”.


But, again: apart from annoying people on the internet, I abandoned personal political involvement years ago [1]. And I live in a genocidal white supremacist settler colony that is utterly subservient to the empire.


[1] Because I wasn’t very good at it even when I was healthy, because it would be disastrous for my health to be around people too much (even pre-plague), because I am no longer capable of defending myself in a street fight, because I’m a typical apathetic complicit Western white dude.