Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


Slimy tech startup based on pretending that occasional text messages are an effective form of healthcare now caught out selling off customer data:

Desperate PR scrambling by the scum responsible here:


The ethics of the US psych industry are an absolute toilet. If anything, it’s only gotten worse since the Bush years (when APA members were openly and enthusiastically assisting in torture, without censure).



If the Onion had written that absurd nonsense, they might’ve rejected it as overly obvious parody.


Mainstream, establishment liberalism.

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Did he learn to plagiarize before or after Ha-vud?

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Still pushing this nonsense:

Yesterday with the legions, today on the frontiers, tomorrow in the imperial core.

The “art” is there as a marketing gimmick for a crypto scam.

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And, as always, bipartisan.