Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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“The US military invaded country X to protect women”

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ISIS and the Taliban are literally shooting at each other. I don’t think that there is much danger of the Taliban providing them with “safe havens”.


Not an improvement. Own your own shit.

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For as much fist shaking towards what the dingdong extremists think is Christendom, they spend most of their time fighting and oppressing Muslims of differing schools. Not unlike how the Catholics and Protestants spent much of the 16th through 18th century in total murderous warfare over land, with the barest of theological argument as figleaf.



I haven’t been able to watch, because ptsd + migraines, but the Gravel Institute has a video on these:

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We all know Rahm already, but I was curious about the China guy.

The Taliban, OTOH, are masters of the craft: