Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

“Tighten its grip”.

Framing etc.

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Wars are manufactured to sell weapons.

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The key problem with “America’s leadership abroad” is that the idea of America as a “leader” is completely based in arrogant delusion.

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The occupation forces will withdraw on the 31st (or face a fight which they won’t win), and the US media will go into a frenzy about how the Taliban are barbaric for refusing to allow the Americans to stay.

Two points:

  1. The USA has had twenty years to extract as many Afghans as it wanted to. The current withdrawal has been expected for years and known to the Biden regime for months. They could’ve been flying out thousands per day for the last year if they’d wanted to. The current chaos at HKIA was entirely predictable and preventable. The translators etc being left behind are stuck there because the USA chose not to extract them.

  2. Just how long do people expect the Afghans to tolerate continuing hostile occupation of their main airport, in the middle of their capital city? No sovereign country can allow that.

Tragic imagery of babies surrounding the defeat of a US occupation force is standard. Happens every time.

:musical_note: And everywhere I traveled from the Gap at Kumari
The Yong-San Reservation to the camps at Moonsanee
From the golden plains of Inchon, my boots rotting on my feet
All I heard were crying babies while their mothers walked the street
We bought watches, we bought cameras, we bought whores, and we bought booze;
With the little barefoot beggars bending down to shine our shoes
We gave them back our candy, and to answer our desire
Oh, we gave them round-eyed babies who died outside the wire



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Cops exist to defend capital.


:musical_note: Don’t get confused, I’m far from broke
All that you see me do I own
But I won’t hang what I make around my neck
I know from where that the diamonds came