Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

Symptom, not cause.

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A rare event: liberal celeb says something sensible and productive.

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The aggressive fool is not the source of the problem. The system that protects the fool’s class while oppressing all others is the source of the problem.

He’s the symptom, not the disease. And all of the people who defend the system collaborate in maintaining this, regardless of what they have to say about the individual fools.

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Again, though: the extreme bias of US media should not be news to any reasonably intelligent and educated person. Buying their bullshit requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

In case you haven’t run into this before, “blue hydrogen” is a marketing term designed to seem close to “green hydrogen”.

Green hydrogen is made by using carbon-neutral renewable power to crack hydrogen from water.

Blue hydrogen uses coal and oil fired power to achieve the same product, and adds some bullshit about mythical carbon capture to make it seem not as bad as it is.

Green hydrogen is good and useful. Blue hydrogen is omnicidally stupid.

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