Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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If a group of North Korean veterans had staged a demonstration in 1953 Seoul, what would have happened to them? Or Taliban veterans in 2002 Kabul?



Anyone objecting to wind farms on bird preservation grounds without also calling for the extermination of Felis cattus doesn’t actually care about birds; they’re just using them as an excuse.

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In normal countries, even cops tend to be somewhat reserved in their public statements about cases that have not yet gone to trial.

The Western pop-culture image of the Dalai Lama as an apolitical hippy pacifist is absolute horseshit. He was the US-sponsored figurehead of a failed attempt by the CIA to create a Tibetan Mujahideen.

Ok, on the one hand, gross. Poor workmanship and disgusting. But also? La cucaracha got some of the old razzle dazzle.

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From Melbourne:

Remember this?

He’s at it again:
