Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

She writes about Kif?

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Those guys like LSD better, I thought.

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What the fuck do they think folks are doing in the first place? Oh, like working two jobs to pay for childcare because one can’t stay home and take care of one’s kid/s because bills and food (one makes too much for food benefits and Medicaid)!

I was so lucky that my late mom was mostly willing & able to care for her grandson while I worked or went to school/AA meetings, et cetera. Not everyone is that lucky. A lot of folks all over the board seem to forget about that.

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Reminder that “don’t touch your gun unless you want to deal with a shitload of paperwork” is completely routine and thoroughly justified police procedure in most Western nations.

SpecOps are pretty much America’s SS. War crimes, kidnapping, torture and assassination are their core specialties.

So, of course, they are widely celebrated in mainstream culture as heroic emblems of the nation.

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Biden’s role in the Obama administration was always to reassure racist white people that Obama was not going to do anything to upset the status quo.

Not that Obama ever had any intention of doing anything like that, but white racists are terribly insecure people.

Non-American lives, zero value, etc. etc.


Reminder that the Dem response to Jan 6 has been to massively boost police funding and powers, make permanent the militarised fortification of Congress and the White House, and compete with the GOP in a PR contest over who can most vigorously suck police boots.

For an eviction. A woman and two kids.

This should very obviously not be legal:

And, no, a never-enforced unserious ceremonial admonition that drivers should not do this does not count.

US bosses:


Oz bosses: