Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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As always: individual Catholics are, in general, no better or worse than anyone else.

The institutional church, OTOH, can be accurately described as an international conspiracy of child rapists.

The politics of representation:


Framing and emphasis.

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Again: those exact words, in that exact situation, would have been cause for weeks of liberal mockery if the speaker were GOP.

The gerontocracy is bipartisan.

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I seem to remember John Oliver, whose show is on HBO which is owned by AT&T, doing a piece on OAN, but I donā€™t remember any reference to ownership, so Iā€™ll watch it again.

Addendum: Reading the Reuters article, I find myself strangely amused at the Garcia lady, age 55, describing herself as a ā€œlittle old ladyā€.


Well, it must be Iran. What other possible reason could an Iraqi have for wanting the US military to leave?


ā€œBecame unconsciousā€.

The dead man is Indigenous, of course.

