Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)

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I once watched a panel discussion of The West Wing in which Bradley Whitford said basically the same thing.

White supremacy is bipartisan.

From an Afghan media guy who has his own biases, so BYO pinch of salt, but something to keep in mind when reading Western reporting of post-occupation Afghanistan:

The West has a strong interest in portraying Afghanistan as a failed state, as well as an interest in actively working to make that claim a reality (e.g. by seizing Afghanistan’s financial reserves, by imposing sanctions, by supporting anti-Taliban insurgency, etc etc).

US Government is run by projectionists, sounds like.

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Also note who’s getting fined and who is being “oppressed”.


I think he’s an actor, but his name always make me mistake him for a director. It’s just a directorial sorta name.

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Yup, is him:

To be honest, that’s probably just as useful and much less traumatic than most such training.

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