
How the hell did the NYT ever acquire their reputation as a home of quality journalism? They’ve been shamelessly dishonest warmongers from day one, as far as I can see.


Deputy editor of Jacobin getting righteously shredded by radical left Twitter:

The critique is broad and varied, but some highlights:



Whataboutism in musical form:

1788 down Sydney cove
The first boat people land
Sorry boys our gains your loss
We’re gonna steal your land
And if you break our new British law
Be sure you’re gonna hang
or work your lives like our convicts
With a chain on your neck and hand

And they told us
woah black woman thou shalt not steal
woah black man thou shalt not steal

With your science and your technology
You go and make a nuclear bomb
A population increase they are going make
A three million mega ton
And if you think that’s progress
I suggest your reasoning is unsound
You should have found out long ago
You better keep it in the ground

And they
Woah black woman thou shalt not steal
And black man thou shalt not steal
We’re gonna civilize your black barbaric lives
And we’ll teach you how to kneel

Job and me and Jesus sittin underneath that Indooroopilly bridge
Watchin that blazin sun go down
Behind a tall tree’d mountain ridge
The land’s heritage and spirits here
The rightful culture’s black
And we’re sitting here just wondering
When we gonna get it back

And they
Woah black woman thou shalt not steal
Woah black man thou shalt not steal
We’re gonna civilize your black barbaric lives
And we’ll teach you how to kneel
But your history couldn’t hide the genocide
The hypocrisy that was real
For your Jesus said you’re supposed to give
The oppressed a better deal

When you talk of conservation
Keep the forest pristine green
But in 200 years your materialism
Has stripped the forest clean
And a racist contradiction
That’s understood by none
When the left hand hold the bible
And the right hand holds the gun

And they
Woah black woman thou shalt not steal
Woah black man thou shalt not steal
We’re gonna civilize your black barbaric lives
And we’ll teach you how to kneel
But your history couldn’t hide the genocide
The hypocrisy that was real
For your Jesus said you’re supposed to give
The oppressed a better deal
We say to you
Yes our land thou shalt not steal
Woah our land you better yield
Yes our land thou shalt not steal
Woah yes our land you better heal
Woah our land thou shalt not steal

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel; the appeal to hypocrisy is the first refuge of the oppressed.


Y’know the debates within the Berniecrats about whether they should try to reform the Democrats, or just condemn them and do their own thing instead?

Similar arguments are now happening within the radical left about the DSA.

Politics is fractal.


That article was so uncharacteric for Jacobin. My thing is that the radical left isn’t coming up with useful ideas for fighting the useless warmongering neo-aristocracy. I could give a fuck about being friendly about it. To people, sure, within limits and meeting me halfway about what they’re invested in with their life. Yeah. But the left falls down as much as the right in not coming up with new ideas or taking what works and making the fucking point. So some misplaced pragmatism, which is less of a sin.

To be fair to the right, there’s not much to work with; bullshit to make a buck will rule, however many bright bulbs are involved. Until they all have to live in gated communities.

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While the person tweeting it was stupid, the age of our president is a major problem that will continue to be a problem forever.

The biggest problem is that by the time 2020 comes his reputation will be torpedoed, and enthusiasts have never once been able to stand behind their candidate after the GOP news machine went against them.


Not all loud boorish uncles act out of class consciousness. Many of them betray their economic interests by voting as they do. Some of them might finally come to realize that.

Why not feign generosity of spirit in order to speed the process along?


Because they assume generosity of spirit is an act, because of course it is.

It’s better to be genuinely generous.


Yup. That’s a much bigger issue than just Bernie, though. More than just the Presidency, too.

Keep in mind my perspective on the chances of a legit election in 2020. I’m less concerned with electoral politics and more concerned with mobilising the left for street action. Bernie has the potential to get millions of not-radical kids into the streets.


Left perspective on Bernie:

Marxism 101 in Twitter rant form:


New to me, I haven’t dug into it yet:


Yet another in the list of “pivotal historical events that most Americans are unaware of”:

As the gun collection suggests, Cypher is not a radical leftie. This is well established mainstream history.


The reason I bring up the attack game of the media, particularly the far right media, is that Bernie’s position as most popular politician was taken from Hillary Clinton who in two years went from the most popular (with no one close) to the least popular politician in the country.

Even trying to mobilize action in the streets that perspective is a basic requirement.

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Some Oz folk history:

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