Interesting thread:
The idea that Hillary was going to war with Russia makes no sense, she represents more of the same and nothing more or less. That means she would absolutely be doing the same thing Trump is to a lesser degree - instead of a billion in Saudi weapon deals it would be $250 million, instead of tens of thousands bombed to death it would be ten, instead of thousands deported it would be hundreds, instead of all the money going to the donor class it would be most (probably one of the only areas some ground would be made honestly). Russia and NK would be standard sanction, diplomacy, cooling off, then we would step on each other’s toes again. China would be the same. Iran would be better, Israel relations worse.
I personally think Hillary would have been better as a President than anyone as back as far as Reagan, but that’s also not the metric I want - just the metric that is.
It was mostly the brunch snark that inspired me to post the last one.
I’m probably between the two views on this; I don’t think that HRC would have deliberately got into a shooting war with Russia, but she very likely would have pushed the tensions in both Ukraine and Syria to dangerous levels.
Much is written about Putin’s grudge against Clinton, but few recognise that the animosity is mutual.