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The radicalisation of both left and right is increasing daily. If you want to keep the outcome moderate, you need to accelerate the resolution.

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Nearly all of what Carlos tweeted would be graciously described as “inaccurate.” However, the actual point that Pelosi being upset about DACA protesters and not allowing them a platform because she wanted to speak about something else is a good one.


And I see People4Bernie has actually managed to lower the he bar even further for advocating congress to act from constituent pressure. No, everyone shouldn’t call Cassidy. That’s political action 101.

I think People 4 Bernie is a DSA lure to attract Progressive Democrats. They aren’t Democrats; they aren’t even really Berniecrats.

Their goals are revolution, not reform. They know that the left doesn’t have the numbers to win in Congress, so they’re focussed on rousing the troops.

Same goes for Bernie’s healthcare push. A fascist Congress is not going to pass Bernie’s bill, but it might salvage the Dems for the left.

BTW, on nazi street punching.

Notice how these things aren’t happening out in the middle class suburbs? And how most of the antifa folks are a bit scruffy?

This is related to what I’ve been saying about the pissed-offness of the working class. They are not going to quietly allow this to happen.

But they need help.

The reason why the working class aren’t constantly in the streets is related to the reason why they don’t vote as much as the liberal commentariat thinks they should: they are already heavily oppressed, and most of them are too busy staying alive to spare resources towards political struggle.

Protest is expensive, and the working class are broke.

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Think about what happens to kids like that if the left loses.


This is a very strange reality.

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The main difference between the Dems and the DSA is that the Dems say “it can’t be done, forget it” while the DSA says “it can’t be done; let’s change the rules and make it possible”.

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It was founded by people who historically have a very poor record of knowledge of the rules for elections and doing a good job getting a lot of people to do nothing, and they have a habit of spreading false information to push their goals. Without a plan you have no revolution or reform. All change requires a path forward, and People for Bernie has no path forward. They are going to blow their grassroots support again just like the founders did with Occupy.

And Bernie’s healthcare push is beyond meaningless. It won’t flip a single red seat, it won’t bring progressive democrats into seats refusing to support it, and its best political power is to promote the candidates looking to run for president in 2020 - which you yourself acknowledge is too long a game to play.

They aren’t looking to win an election. They’re looking to win the revolution. It isn’t just rhetoric.

They’re still aiming for a peaceful Naomi Klein version.