

There’s a neat encapsulation of American party politics in that. The modern Democrats are a bit racist and a lot classist. The GOP are a bit classist and a lot racist [1].

The Democrats’ gun messaging focuses on poverty. The GOP gun messaging focuses on race.


[1] Which is not to imply equality between the parties. The classism of the GOP is as bad as that of the Dems, and their racism is much worse.

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Black left Twitter is pushing back hard on Liberal gun control messaging; they don’t trust the Trumpists with this, for good reason.


Liberals continuing to heavily push the “disarm the mentally ill” angle, too.

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History thread:

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This is Vox’s latest response to the Vegas massacre:

On the one hand: an interesting and relevant article.

On the other hand: militarism. Constant, reflexive worship of all things military. This is the water that US culture swims in.

Ta-Nehisi Coates gives Colbert the most soft-peddled version of reality possible, but Colbert still pushes back on it.

And his gun control opener was literally a promise of collaboration with anything the GOP proposes.

Very good episode:

Most of the comment thread on this is just bitter sarcasm, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

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Lively gun control debate on Black Twitter. Splitting at least partially on gender lines.

It’s also bringing up some strange arguments; seeing Killer Mike cite the Revolutionary War as a part of his personal history of liberation was a bit weird.

There are times when I adore the British left. :slight_smile:


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