I rotate podcasts a lot, but this is what I’m currently listening to:
The Hidden Almanac - Thrice weekly, approximately four minutes an episode. Rev. Mord recounts an event from that day in history, the feast of the saints, and gardening advice from a world that is quite a few degrees askew from our own. Except for the zucchini. Zucchini is the same everywhere.
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap - Weekly-ish, approximately 90 to 120 minutes an episode. From the creators of The Hidden Almanac, author/illustrator Ursula Vernon and her husband Kevin Sonney. They have a couple of drink, review pre-packaged foods, and generally chat about a variety of topics.
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men - Weekly, approximately 60 minutes or less per episode. Hosts Jay Edidin and Miles Stokes cover the history of Marvel’s Merry Mutants starting at the very beginning in 1963. Each episode usually covers a few issues, or maybe a complete storyline, with in-depth analysis. Currently on hiatus while Jay moves cross-country so it’s a great time to get caught up.
Thor: The Lightning and the Storm - Weekly, approximately 60 to 90 minutes per episode. While Jay Edidin moves cross-county Miles Stokes is presenting a limited podcast in a similar vein exploring Walter Simonson’s mid-80’s run on Marvel Comic’s Thor.
The Thrilling Adventure Hour - Complete, most episodes run less than 30 minutes. A stage show in Los Angeles that completed it’s run back in 2015, each show was presented and styled in the manner of old-time radio (so that the actors had an excuse to hold the scripts.) Most podcast episodes rotate between the adventures of Sparks Nevada, Marshall on Mars; Beyond Belief (the Thin Man with ghosts) or a rotating middle segment.