Whatcha Reading?

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green.

The uses and abuses of social media, aliens, artificial intelligence, arrogant evil billionaires…These books have something for everyone. Easy reads but with some serious undertones.

Warning, these are not a series so much as a single novel in two volumes. Read Remarkable Thing before Foolish Endeavor.


It’s not very good. Generic SF/cyberpunkish setting, cheesy stereotypical “smart”-and-sexy-and-athletic female protagonist, “just going to do this one more job before I retire” etc.

I had out it on my wishlist mostly because of the title (my musician alias is Starthief).


I haven’t read any Discworld, but i saw this on Polygon and wondered if anyone here would be interested. Downside is that it’s kindle but maybe this deal works for somebody:




Crivens! Get right on that!.

Okay, fantasy may not be your thing. That’s fine. But for anyone else, all five Tiffany Aching ebooks for $4 is the bargain of the decade. The series stands alone, apart from the other Discworld books. Tiffany Aching is probably my favourite Pratchett character among a great many memorable ones.


My “problem” with Discworld is that there are so many books that it’s just overwhelming to me. Yes i could pick a random one and start there, and some day i likely will but i already have other books i already own i need to read :stuck_out_tongue:


Trust me… once you start reading, it does not seem remotely overwhelming… you’ll soon be disappointed that he is not around to write more Discworld books. They are the kind of books that are such a pleasure to read that they fly by…

I’d go in order. I’m thinking of doing a re-read of the whole series. I need it, I think.


I wasn’t suggesting you have a problem. If you do, it’s the same one I have, just with different books.

As @mindysan33 says, a good approach is to read them in chronological order, starting with The Colour of Magic, but there are guide sites to suggest books for you. You can pick up almost any of the books and enjoy it, though.

You could do worse than start with The Wee Free Men, the first Tiffany Aching book. If the “YA” label makes you hesitate, be reassured that Tiffany could kick Harry Potter’s ass.


The Tiffany Aching books do bring in characters and concepts which were developed in other books, but I don’t think you need to have read them to be able to understand the personalities and strengths of characters like Granny Weatherwax or Nanny Ogg.


Short morsel of a parable.


Read this starting last night and finished today, during a relatively productive workday (by staying offline otherwise):

And as a result I have about 8 more novels on my wishlist and a desire to rewatch The Matrix and all of Steven Universe.

And also started today:

(I recently got a set of 8 Moomin books, which for some reason doesn’t include the first of them, about a flood. I read 4 or 5 of them when I was a kid, but I find them really charming and sometimes with surprising depth. I can’t think of many other children’s books I would want to reread at this point – maybe the Black Cauldron series.)


One of the Twitch streamers I like is sharing the audiobook of:

…and I’m fascinated. I’m not typically a big history reader, but this is an interesting look into a time I didn’t know much about.

It’s kind of depressing to note so many seeds of present crises being sown so long ago, but there are bright spots too-- I love hearing about Walter Reuther’s crusade for labor rights (and how Goldwater failed to take him down. :smiling_imp: )


I need to get around to reading some Perlstein. His book on Nixon is supposed to be great.


Well, we’re only about three chapters into the Goldwater book, and it’s good so far. It kept my attentuon the whole time. (If i’m listening to Twitch as I’m doing other things, like today, I zone in and out sometimes. I didn’t with this one.)


Update on Thucydides and “The History of the Peloponnesian War.”

I don’t think Greek writers were paid by the word, but I will bet the speakers were. When those Greeks start talking, it’s going to be a while. Even the supposedly laconic Spartans do not live up to their regional name.


Far too many academic historians write in a very dry manner… I always appreciate a writer who can make the subject matter pop… That’s the thing about history, it’s very interesting and exciting, but we’re trained not to write like that.


I’ll slightly shamelessly push a friend’s debut book that I’m currently reading, but shamefully admit that life is causing it to take me months to finish it, which is entirely on me - it’s very good and very readable, I just lack time :smile:


By Dr Robyn Arianrhod

It is a description of the mathematics, and it is a history of the mathematics, and a history of the mathematicians.

She doesn’t just do things like talk about the invention of Calculus, she goes into why Newton and Leibniz did so at almost the same time, why their descriptions had different effects, in how each approach was different for different purposes (as in, why Leibniz’s dx/dy, d²x/dy² notation is more conceptually useful than Newton’s , notation).

I’m only halfway through, and it’s fascinating and illuminating.


For fans of Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams, I can thoroughly recommend Jasper Fforde’s “Thursday Next” series. It may be just the tonic you need in these times.

By the third book, I was making heads turn in the coffee shop with my unintended snorting and chuckling.