Badass Dragoons of the Highlands - Turn 1 - Avignon (c.1310)

Liked for Clan of Xymox, but to be honest, I expected something more “Adieu mon vieux, a la prochaine” from you in particular


I’m three timezones downstream from my usual place for a conference, so deadlines may slip a bit this week. I’ll keep everyone posted while I continue generating these small batch, hand crafted, artisanal dice rolls.


Your like honours me, Milady Maud. and I thank you for speaking frankly, but I fear our all-too-brief meeting may have led you to see me as no more than a jester. When I demonstrated my ability to cram six groat cakes in my mouth at once, it was intended merely to coax a smile, not to indicate the full scope of my talents. I contain multitudes, and not just of groat cakes.

Perhaps if I had not declined your invitation to dance on the bridge, you would now regard me with more respect. Ah, the life of an Immortal is full of regrets, but we shall always have Avignon, and I shall wear your beautiful doily on my helm until we meet again. (I was not fooled, by the way, by the “immortals discount” you offered me, but what of it? Wealth to me is mere dross.)


Here you …

Whoops. :cold_sweat:


Afrayen thai nat, mine abydocorn and hedgeborn mandrake mymmerkin. Thain wineskin leketh wee as to thine lever leketh.


Umm… whut?

I’ve learned a few languages during my travels, but I don’t quite grasp that dialect.


Middle English


[You find a scrap of paper outside your door that reads the following]

There can be only none.


Ah, spasibo, thank you.


“Hedgeborn” quoth she! The Pendragons were noble when your forebears were mummery players and peddlers of shoddy lace, dragging your doily carts from one muddy village to the next. I treated you with courtesy, but I say to you, no hedgeborn villein in my country is so lacking in manners as to stoop to the vile Saxon calumnies that you hurl at me.

Yea, a trull in velvet is a trull still. As the children chant in the shires,

Good fellows hear me and be wary
Seek not Frankish women to marry
Of a hundred, my sons,
Full twenty are nuns
And ninety the red pox do carry.

You would do well to remember, good my lady, that it is unwise to tweak a mandrake. I will write a poem to the blade that finds your neck.


Satanas corpus affligitur
et quis dēmoniak est locus fac Spiritus sancti!

Cuius est solum libidine virum respiciens est venenata mentis et linguae pro amicis suis.


Cuidado, Other Pendragon.

This time of bluster will not last forever, Virgil may well have had M. D’ Oily in mind when he wrote

(hae tibi erunt artes), pacique imponere morem,
parcere subiectis et debellare superbos.

(Aeneid VI.851-853)

–Mr. Collins, Librarian
at your service

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I am not possessed, nor need to be. Ring the bells, burn the candles. I can hear the Fairy Sprites of the Marsh laughing at Latin babbling, and Cernunnos has more important concerns than the squabbles of mortals or immortals.

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Bluster, Mr. Collins? We shall see.

To pull down the proud? Why sir, that is my aim.

Other Pendragon

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Frumenti quod veneno ab Swansea rubigo in cerebrum usque ad collum semper.

Dieu, s’il vous plaît guérir les affligés d’ergotisme et son cauchemar syphilitique

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A Pendragon worshiping the Celtic horned god!

Your family were forced to stand in Wales, but as the inheritors of Roman Britain resisting invasion from the east.

Your nephew was the archetype of the Faithful Christian King, and stood firm against the Anglo-Saxons while they were still polytheistic foreigners.

Yet here you embrace the god of another peoples? Small wonder you aren’t mentioned in the chronicles kept by Christian scribes!

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It’s my belief that my big balls should be held every night.


~shrug~ Suscipite amorem, non bellum. ~laughs, stands up and starts dancing to Bon’s music~


And with that final tavern scene, the curtain falls on the 14th century.

Results of turn 1 have been posted.