Anime Recommendations for Non-Weebs

I’m sure Death Note is mentioned above but thought I would re-mention it. When I first watched it I only gave it an episode or two and bailed (I’ve learned since to give anime 4-5 episodes to really get a feel for a show). I decided to re-watch the series this weekend and really enjoyed the chess like maneuvers between the protagonist and his nemesis. It reminds me of some of the newer takes on Sherlock Holmes where he crosses over from good detective to super human levels of detection and real-time analysis and the ability to see many steps ahead.

Oh and it looks like there is a Netflix adaption set in Seattle coming out in August. Looks fun but looks more heavy handed on the topic of what is good and bad (are we the baddies?). The anime doesn’t spell things out for you like it seems the movie will.


Castlevania is garbage, unfortunately. And Little Witch Academia doesn’t hold up against the OVAs at all, but I still enjoy the world it presents (especially the dragon).


I watched the first 6 episodes of Little Witch Academia last night. It’s a little wholesome for my tastes but it’s done well and I look forward to finishing the last 6 tonight. I find it interesting that there is no villain, so far at least. There is conflict in every episode but then they work through it and all is well again.

I had a feeling Castlevania might be a dud.


Yeah, the main conflict is against magic’s fading influence on the world and even the rich queen-bee girl isn’t mean even if her friends are. It was entertaining enough, and like I said I like the world. It if wasn’t for the OVAs before the series I wouldn’t have finished the season.


I guess I will watch the OVA’s after I finished the show tonight. :slight_smile:

Yeah several times she or another characters seemed like they were heading toward being the villain and then just did something nice or empathetic. I actually really liked that. I know there are some truly evil people in the world but most conflicts are really just two regular people with differing wants or perspectives. That they let the kids stay kids is nice.


Hmmm Netflix only has 13 of the 25 episodes. So I watched the first OVA. It’s interesting how close the series is to the first OVA and yet consistently falls short of the OVA. It’s in the subtle details but they really add up.

BTW, did you watch the series with CC on. Ive seen minor discrepancies before in other shows but CC and spoken dialog for the series is barely the same script. They both work with the animation. I’d like to see a side by side diff to really enjoy the differences. One thing I noticed is that one seems to be softer and more polite. I wonder if the CC is just a direct translation from Japanese where as the words spoken in English were cleaned up a bit.


That’s interesting, I’m not sure why there is such a big discrepancy.

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I actually watched another Netflix original anime and it had the same issue. At least with this show I realized I could switch the spoken language back to Japanese so I didn’t have to read and hear such different English.

The show btw was Kuromukuro. I’m really enjoying the world and the animations. Nice characters. My only complaint is the samurai from the past in how he behaves at times and how he is treated by others.

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Oh my God, Little Witch Academia got a second season and the first episode is hilarious. The workers of the school go on strike, and it’s elites vs. laborers vs. tech in a very entertaining episode. The new conflict seems to have abandoned the original plot and picked up a very contemporary one. I’m actaully engaged in the series whereas I had it on in the background before.


I’m a little disappointed that a fun entry episode goes back into the main storyline again even though there are really good character stories in the show.


I finished season 2, it was a satisfying story because of the character growth hilighting the coming-of-age-ness of the story and talking about how scary the modern world is.