Ask me anything. I have died twice in 2017

I was just thinking about you recently, and wondering…

I’m glad to see you check in.


Hey you! Have an elephant-boop! Please, give us all the details about what’s been happening with your health!!!



The jaundice is qhat alerted me tjat i needed to go to the ER attat. Tu rns out going.through lover and kidney failure, along with treating complications such as deadly levels of ammonia surround the brain and fluid around ones lungs is kind of a PITA. Good news: after a bunch of dialysis i likely dont need a kidney transplant. Bad news: i still have a 50% chance of needing a new liver, so i am working on getting on the waiting list.

5 weeks in the hospital, tons of drugs, surgeries, at least sixty blood tests (getting another in an hour), and four doctors told me to my face to get my Advanced Directive and Will finished right now. Heh, the looks on their faces when I was discharged alive was priceless :sunglasses:

You do not have to donate anything, but between instagram (mrjaphroaig) and googling for a donation page (search for Jeremy Pickett gofundme) you will get lots of pictures and stories.

I am stilll kicking, but the hardest part is ahead.


I have a high-school friend who had the liver transplant in the past few years. I hope yours is successful, too (if necessary).


Liver - you only need half! Start asking friends and families. They regrow!

Also maybe get into a trial for liver regeneration:

Also, diet?