Badass Dragoons of the Highlands - Turn 6 - New York City (c.1986)

FTFY, sweetie. No way you’re going off Kurgan-bashing without me. I am sworn never to kill an Immortal, but it’s always okay to punch a Kurgan, I say.

[oils chainsaw]


“Fool. I am my own master as well you know. Your pathetic sense of persecution at the hands of mysterious agents hasn’t changed in centuries.”

"You cling to these petty lies even now as you continue to deny what you are. Still upset that your big brother got all the glory?

"You know full well it’s not rage but ecstasy that drives us and you’ve never made peace with that. Made excuses. Concocted lies. Every Quickening is a blessing that allows us to see more, know more, understand more. And yet you persist in denying this fundamental truth.

"And now you’ve managed to convince two more that your delusions are real and promised them snake oil as their salvation?

[The Kurgan laughs uproariously]

“No matter. In the end, there can be only one. Choose to die on your feet or on your knees, my blade will take your head either way.”


That’s why it’s called a union, asshole. Meet your new labour uprising. Ain’t solidarity a bitch?

P.S. Tribes beat solitary hunters all the time. That lone hero thing? It’s called a myth for a reason.


[The Archivist continues to scribble ragged verse in the ledger before him. Blotting the page and futilely attempting to wipe the ink stains from his fingertips, he continues]

Like the salmon to spawn, like the moth to a flame, like the gambler to the game, all patterns of life obey a fundamental impulse - even when it may spell danger for that particular incarnation. This primal focus drives all life toward a transformation of self. When closing the last seam of the cocoon, does the caterpillar know it will become a butterfly? Or does it merely know it must perform this task with the utmost of urgency?


Dear Archivist(s?),

May I suggest you expand your reading list? You seem frustrated by the question “what does it all mean?.” It doesn’t. The question itself is absurd.

As for any me, and perhaps my fellow mutineers, I choose this guy’s book

and this guys’s viewpoint

That is, I choose to persist, and to pursue my own “meaning.”

Yours in Truth,

–Mr Collins

Mr Collins FULL


Even after a lifetime of bloodshed, alcohol abuse, women, and song, even after all that intense livin’ came to a bitter end at the blade of a crusty ol’ Greek, I still don’t understand or believe those who say they’d rather live together happily ever after to the end of their days, if they can’t agree on when those days should end.

We’re livin’ easy, livin’ free. We got a season ticket on a one-way ride. But it is, in fact, a one-way ride, and if you think you can permanently steer it away from your mutual destruction, you’re fooling yerselves. You’re far, far too old to indulge in such childish fantasy.

You think a handshake and a signed agreement will allow you to turn your backs toward each other?


Zero is having some trouble controlling the voices in his head.


Ixnay on the atuestay. People are listening.


Oh. My. Gwydion. Lighten up, Other. You just posed for the sculpture, you don’t own the damn thing.


Gods, no. If that was my fate I swear I would have removed Other’s head long ago and had to absorb the stuffy old git. We have our own lives and are apart much of the time. (When we do get together, hoo boy, Carnival. :wink:) A decade or two seems about right for a relationship. Who says long distance can’t work, geographically or temporally?

With no good role models, many Immortals sink into inappropriate behaviour, which is only compounded by absorbing the essence of their victims. Thus the frenetic round continues: drug and alcohol abuse, violence, heavy metal music, serial killing, investment banking et alia.

See my articles Immortal Manic Disorder – Do We Need a New Definition? and IMD – A Review of the Literature, published in The Proceedings of the Royal Methuselah Society.




(message from the ether: someone PM me when the next game begins? interested)

A cold, deadly whisper into Zero’s mind’s ear…

Kill the Welsh…


You are dead to me. Oh, wait…:stuck_out_tongue:


He was just calling for Dai.


This…explains a lot. I always knew that Other was a “mummy’s boy” but it seems the apple didn’t want to fall far from the tree.




[GM Note: Unfortunately won’t be able to update this turn tonight as usual. Please stand by and we hope to resume things normally tomorrow night.]


I don’t need to be cued to the need for a musical interlude !