Badass Dragoons of the Highlands - Turn 7 - New York City (c.1986)

The 16th proposition also has some good arguments:

“Sixthly, The last thing to be considered is revenge and war, an evil as opposite and contrary to the Spirit and doctrine of Christ as Light to darkness. For as is manifest by what is said, through contempt of Christ’s law the whole world is filled with various oaths, cursings, blasphemous profanations, and horrid perjuries; so likewise through contempt of the same law the world is filled with violence, oppression, murders, ravishing of women and virgins, spoilings, depredations, burnings, vastations, and all manner of lasciviousness and cruelty; so that it is strange that men made after the Image of God should have so much degenerated that they rather bear the image and nature of roaring lions, tearing tigers, devouring wolves, and raging boars than of rational creatures endued with reason: and is it not yet much more admirable that this horrid monster should find place and be fomented among those men that profess themselves disciples of our peaceable Lord & Master, Jesus Christ, who by excellency is called the Prince of Peace and hath expressly prohibited his children all violence, and on the contrary commanded them that according to his example they should follow patience, charity, forbearance, and other virtues worthy of a Christian.

Hear then what this great Prophet saith, whom every soul is commanded to hear under the pain of being cut off (Matt. 5:38 to the end of the chapter). For thus he saith: “Ye have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee; and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil, and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just, and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do you more than others? Do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
Nevertheless because some, perhaps through inadvertency, and by the force of custom and tradition, do transgress this command of Christ, I shall briefly show how much war doth contradict this precept, and how much they are inconsistent with one another, and consequently that war is no ways lawful to such as will be the disciples of Christ. For

First, Christ commands that we should “love our enemies”;k but war, on the contrary, teacheth us to hate and destroy them.

Secondly the apostle saith that “we war not after the flesh,” and that "we fight not with flesh and blood."l But outward war is according to the flesh, and against flesh and blood, for the shedding of the one and destroying of the other.

Thirdly, the apostle saith that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual."name=“t8”>m 8 But the weapons of outward warfare are carnal, such as cannon, muskets, spears, swords, &c., of which there is no mention in the armour described by Paul.

Fourthly, because James testifies, that wars and strifes come from the lusts, which war in the members of carnal men:n But Christians, that is, those, that are truly saints, "have crucified the flesh, with its affections and lusts."o Therefore they cannot indulge them by waging war.

Fifthly, because the prophets Isaiah and Micah have expressly prophesied, that in the mountain of the house of the Lord, Christ shall judge the nations, and then “they shall beat their swords into ploughshares,” &c.,p and the ancient Fathers of the first three hundred years after Christ did affirm these prophecies to be fulfilled in the Christians of their times, who were most averse from war, concerning which Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and others may be seen: which need not seem strange to any, since Philo Judaeus abundantly testifies of the Essenes, that “there was none found among them, that would make instruments of war.” But how much more did Jesus come, that he might keep his followers from fighting, and might bring them to patience and charity.

Sixthly, because the prophet foretold that there should “none hurt nor kill in all the Holy Mountain” of the Lord:q But outward war is appointed for killing and destroying.

Seventhly, because Christ said that “his Kingdom is not of this world,” and therefore that "his servants shall not fight:"r Therefore those that fight are not his disciples nor servants.

Eighthly, because he reproved Peter for the use of the sword, saying, "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword, shall perish with the sword."s Concerning which Tertullian speaks well (lib. de idol.), “How shall he fight in peace without a sword, which the Lord did take away? For although soldiers came to John and received a form of observation, if also the centurion believed afterwards, he disarmed every soldier in disarming of Peter.” Idem., de Coron. Mil. asketh, “shall it be lawful to use the sword, the Lord saying that he that useth the sword shall perish by the sword?”

Ninthly, because the apostle admonisheth Christians, that they defend not themselves, neither revenge by rendering evil for evil, but give place unto wrath, because vengeance is the Lord’s: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. If thine enemy hunger, feed him: if he thirst, give him drink”:t But war throughout teacheth and enjoineth the quite contrary.

Tenthly, because Christ calls his children to bear his cross,u not to crucify or kill others: to patience not to revenge: to Truth and simplicity, not to fraudulent stratagems of war, or to play the sycophant, which John himself forbids: to flee the glory of this world; not to acquire it by warlike endeavours: Therefore war is altogether contrary unto the Law and Spirit of Christ.

I welcome your discussion and comments.

–Yours in Truth,

Mr Collins.

Mr Collins FULL

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Watch out, Zero @daneel! If he don’t bore ye to death, he’ll put ye to sleep then slit yer gizzard with a letter opener!





Looking forward to your new roommate?


A traveller wended the wilds among,
With a purse of gold and a silver tongue;
His hat it was broad, and all drab were his clothes,
For he hated high colors — except on his nose,
And he met with a lady, the story goes.

Heigho! yea thee and nay thee.

The damsel she cast him a merry blink,
And the traveller nothing was loth, I think,
Her merry black eye beamed her bonnet beneath,
And the Quaker, he grinned, for he’d very good teeth,
And he asked, " Art thee going to ride on the heath? "

" I hope you’ll protect me, kind sir, " said the maid,
" As to ride this heath over, I’m sadly afraid;
For robbers, they say, here in numbers abound,
And I wouldn’t for anything I should be found,
For, between you and me, I have five hundred pound. "

" If that is thee own, dear, " the Quaker, he said,
" I ne’er saw a maiden I sooner would wed;
And I have another five hundred just now,
In the padding that’s under my saddle-bow,
And I’ll settle it all upon thee, I vow! "

The maiden she smil’d, and her rein she drew,
" Your offer I’ll take, but I’ll not take you, “
A pistol she held at the Quaker’s head —
” Now give me your gold, or I’ll give you my lead,
'Tis under the saddle, I think you said. "

The damsel she ripped up the saddle-bow,
And the Quaker was never a quaker till now!
And he saw, by the fair one he wished for a bride,
His purse borne away with a swaggering stride,
And the eye that shamm’d tender, now only defied.

" The spirit doth move me, friend Broadbrim, " quoth she,
" To take all this filthy temptation from thee,
For Mammon deceiveth, and beauty is fleeting,
Accept from thy maiden this right-loving greeting,
For much doth she profit by this Quaker’s meeting!

" And hark! jolly Quaker, so rosy and sly,
Have righteousness, more than a wench, in thine eye;
Don’t go again peeping girls’ bonnets beneath,
Remember the one that you met on the heath,
Her name’s Jimmy Barlow, I tell to your teeth. "

" Friend James, " quoth the Quaker, " pray listen to me,
For thou canst confer a great favor, d’ye see;
The gold thou hast taken is not mine, my friend,
But my master’s; and truly on thee I depend,
To make it appear I my trust did defend.

" So fire a few shots thro’ my clothes, here and there,
To make it appear ‘twas a desp’rate affair. “
So Jim he popp’d first through the skirt of his coat,
And then through his collar — quite close to his throat;
” Now one thro’ my broadbrim, " quoth Ephraim, " I vote. "

" I have but a brace, " said bold Jim, " and they’re spent,
And I won’t load again for a make-believe rent. " —
" Then! " — said Ephraim, producing his pistols, " just give
My five hundred pounds back, or, as sure as you live,
I’ll make of your body a riddle or sieve. "

Jim Barlow was diddled — and, tho’ he was game,
He saw Ephraim’s pistol so deadly in aim,
That he gave up the gold, and he took to his scrapers,
And when the whole story got into the papers,
They said that " the thieves were no match for the Quakers . "

Heigho! yea thee and nay thee.

The Quaker’s Meeting
– Samuel Lover


I’d love to read all that, but

Although it’s worth noting that Captain Pacifist up there picked a fight with me. He’s the perceptive one around here.


(out of character: Thank You, tekno. I am crying into my keyboard. thank you )


Yes, Zero, I seek you out. I have known you over two millennia. I still see the beautiful Inner Light that shines from you, even when you try to hide it from others, or perhaps yourself.

When we meet, and we will, I will be devoid of weapons, as always.

We will talk. Maybe you will kill me. Or maybe this strife you seek will continue to diminish you, perhaps to the point of your own unnecessary demise. Maybe in my death, you will regain your will to walk to better place. If so, I joyfully embrace that oucome. You can put Agnus Dei on my headstone.

Love will make this a better world. I seek you out to remind you what you already know:

Love surrounds us. We only need to take a breath to let it in.

Yours in Truth,

-Mr. Collins


The most recent missives are too heavy for the messenger pigeons to carry. Ennis instead enjoys a nice walk through the park and snacks on popcorn, an interesting treat that infuriatingly gets stuck between her teeth.


Mr Collins - may I call you Phil? I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of your 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn’t understand any of your work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where your presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was your group’s undisputed masterpiece. It’s an epic meditation on the Quickening. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. And, aptly, describes the smoothness with how I’ll remove your head.

Listening to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Rutherford and yourself, I can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism.

Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, you perfectly address the problems of dealing with the additional personalities we each have absorbed. Now that I share headspace with Bon and Nessie, this song really speaks to me.

In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about fighting the call of the gathering. Despite this, the song is extremely uplifting. The lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I’ve heard in rock. Your solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight (like The Worker’s head was, all those years ago) and, Against All Odds - perfectly capturing the struggle of knowing there can be only one. But I also think you work best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist.


Documents found in a safe.

[Biographer’s note: The discovery of a box of papers in a locked safe in Pittsburgh in 2017 has been a boon to scholars trying to unravel the complicated events of the Gathering in New York City. The letters (in particular Items 1 and 2) shed light on Myfanwy Owens’ activities in the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, as well as the reasons she felt compelled to come forward at considerable risk to herself.]

[Conservator’s note: Of the documents found in the safe, most are illegible. Unfortunately, the shoebox they were stored in was in contact with a piece of dank carpet. Mould growth and wet rot have damaged the majority of the papers beyond restoration.]

Item 1: Letter from Myfanwy Owens to Other Pendragon


I have some shocking news. I put out some feelers about Zero Demos’ sordid past. There’s nothing definitive re Caligula and Gilles de Rais, but my researchers say with 90% probability that Zero beheaded and absorbed Jack the Ripper on 30 September, 1888. He seems to have interrupted the Ripper in the act of killing Elizabeth Stride, then gone on to murder Catherine Eddowes, Mary Jane Kelly, and possibly others.

I believe he is deliberately selecting only the worst characteristics of his victims to absorb, distilling and concentrating the evil with each Quickening. Bad enough. But it gets so much worse.

Do you remember me telling you about baby “Jolene”, the Immortal I found in Tennessee in 1963? I arrived just in time to see the butchered bodies of her parents on the floor, and a man standing over her crib with a knife. I cut off his arm at the shoulder, and would have had his head, but he was too quick. He was running as soon as he felt my chainsaw and I never saw his face.

But then Zero sent me that taunting postcard.* Now I’m convinced it was him.

*biographer’s note: Probably Item 3 (attached), also found in the safe.

He’s killing babies! He’s finding newborn Immortals and absorbing their essence. Think about it: the pure selfishness of infants, the solipsism, the inchoate greed—it’s what he feeds on!

I feel sick. He must be stopped, by any means necessary.

I can’t write any more.



Item 2: Letter from Myfanwy Owens to Other Pendragon

My Dearest Other:

Okay, I’m a little calmer now. I’ll catch you up on the other news.

Immortels Sans Frontières have trained their first field agents, and have already had some success—four new Immortals found and treated so far this century.

“Jolene” has grown up to be a brilliant young woman. She’s studying for her PhD in Immortal Biochemistry at my alma mater, Unseen University. I have high hopes of her continuing my work.

The Immortal branch of the Illuminati have formed a very hush-hush covert operations wing—the Order Of Pendragon. (Are you proud? I am.) The OOPsies, as they call themselves, are tasked with protecting young Immortals and tracking down predators. They’ll get Zero eventually, but the glamour Darth Messana has cast over this poor city blocks them for now.

How I wish it was safe to meet again. I think of you every minute, cariad.




For the eyes of Darth Messana, all glory to him:

Transcript of a telephone conversation between surveillance subjects Other Pendragon (O) and Myfanwy Owens (M)

M: Hello?

O: Myf, it’ll be okay. Just wave Ms.Toothy about a bit, and I’ll parry. Make it look good and we’ll both come out of this alive.

M: We can’t, Other. Darth Messana is using me as his puppet. I won’t have any control and he means to fight to the death. You know there’s only one thing to do.

O: Myf, don’t ask me. I’ll just go defensive, and when you see a chance…

M: No, Other. We’ve been over this. I can’t fight Zero. If you absorb some of my speed it may help. Besides, I’ll give you an element of unpredictability.

O: I can’t do this. I don’t know if I can fight alone.

M: You can! You’re strong. You’re a knight, that’s what you do. Anyway, you’ll sense me there with you.

O: I wish I could be sure.

M: Oh, don’t worry. I’m going to be singing “Dancing Queen” and imagining the smell of overcooked cabbage.

O: You monster.

M: We need to talk plans.

O: Not over the phone.

M: It’s all right. [unintelligible]

[Conversation continues in what appears to be an archaic dialect of Welsh. ]

Transcribed by: Special Agent J. L. Whinger.
Submitted by: Special Agent J. L. Whinger.

All Praise to Darth Messana the Benign




:notes: “You are the dancing queen, young and …” :notes:

“not in the mood, Myf”

“yes, Myf?”

“have you seen Ms. Toothy? I’ve looked everywhere”

“what? you mean you didn’t…oh”


“give it a rest, okay?”

“if you can’t have a little laugh, what’s the point, I say”


“yes, Myf?”

“I have a little neck”


“okay, okay. sorry”



"I wrote a new verse:

:notes: Zero, better pray to Heaven,
Can’t you hear my chainsaw revvin’ ?
I will shave you nice and even
’Cause that’s just my Stihl :notes: "

" not bad. I think you should check the pronunciation of Stihl, though"

"oh. Shit, you’re right. How about:

:notes:Craven, taste my Stihl!":notes: "

“we’ll make a poet of you yet”

“remember that night on Cader Idris? you told me you’d make me a poet then”

“I screwed up and made you a madwoman”

“how much longer?”

“not long”

“Myf, forgive me”

“nothing to forgive, cariad. Remember what we talked about”

“always, my love”



[Night falls across the city. In certain back alleyways, empty subway stations, and even Central Park itself, the sound of steel ringing against steel can be heard. Passersby quicken their pace, instinctively knowing better than to draw too near.]