are they for real, or for show? I think the latter.
I think the latter for a reason. Not just because I wish to.
The reason is that, in whipping up anger against himself, drawing that derision, truly setting it up so how could you NOT hate him… when allegations come out about other predators - how can you not hate them too?
What am I on about?
When you’ve been targeted by a ring. People who fight only other peoples fights, triangulation wise, like predators, who DO run in packs, and who DO cover one anothers tracks - hypocrisy might evidence itself via someone who would demonize Feldman but not, say, Weinstein, or, in this specific case - Feldmans attacker who was named yesterday.
I think he’s playing chess, not checkers.
I could be incorrect, but he is a victim, worthy of the same degree of care about his claims as any of Weinsteins victims or Cosby’s victims, RIGHT?
There is the seperate issue of his own behavior, which, again, he is accusing himself of being that flavor of controlling asshole. It was not well thought out satire, I also think that.
Most people don’t reconsider their thin slice judgements. We could remind ourselves too as more evidence comes in. The idea that he called the LAPD yesterday to report his rape, on a popular television show, this week, is clever at least - and shows to me that people closer to him and his attacker (surely closer than you or I) in the industry are seeing something valid in his behavior and/or giving him a platform to fall from. I think he’s okay. I can’t say i KNOW that as Fact.
I find it all very promising. We will see how it plays out. I’m considering sending him 100 bucks for his movie to out the paedophile ring he claims abused he and Corey Haim. I wish him luck with HIS TRUTH.