Corey Feldman

are they for real, or for show? I think the latter.

I think the latter for a reason. Not just because I wish to.

The reason is that, in whipping up anger against himself, drawing that derision, truly setting it up so how could you NOT hate him… when allegations come out about other predators - how can you not hate them too?

What am I on about?

When you’ve been targeted by a ring. People who fight only other peoples fights, triangulation wise, like predators, who DO run in packs, and who DO cover one anothers tracks - hypocrisy might evidence itself via someone who would demonize Feldman but not, say, Weinstein, or, in this specific case - Feldmans attacker who was named yesterday.

I think he’s playing chess, not checkers.

I could be incorrect, but he is a victim, worthy of the same degree of care about his claims as any of Weinsteins victims or Cosby’s victims, RIGHT?

There is the seperate issue of his own behavior, which, again, he is accusing himself of being that flavor of controlling asshole. It was not well thought out satire, I also think that.

Most people don’t reconsider their thin slice judgements. We could remind ourselves too as more evidence comes in. The idea that he called the LAPD yesterday to report his rape, on a popular television show, this week, is clever at least - and shows to me that people closer to him and his attacker (surely closer than you or I) in the industry are seeing something valid in his behavior and/or giving him a platform to fall from. I think he’s okay. I can’t say i KNOW that as Fact.

I find it all very promising. We will see how it plays out. I’m considering sending him 100 bucks for his movie to out the paedophile ring he claims abused he and Corey Haim. I wish him luck with HIS TRUTH.

I think between Andy Kaufman and the ill-conceived Joaquim Phoenix performance art piece, my belief that anyone in Hollywoodland who could actually pull that off without hurting anyone has been severely diminished.


I agree that his voice has merit. I’m not sure I see what he is doing with his Angels as satire but, maybe??? However, regardless of what he is doing with the Angels, he is a victim, he’s been clear on that, and I think he is believable. I believe he gets to speak. I’d like to see his movie made, and I have no doubt it will be a raving shit show of a movie in its construction and execution, but I want to hear what he has to say.


What was so nasty about that? I agree it was asshole. Being an asshole isn’t a crime. Bosses are notorious assholes. It sounds more incredulous than “nasty”.

nasty is threatening. nasty is calling other people to run you down. nasty is pretending someone said the opposite of what they said to wind them up.

What is quitting your job 4 days before your bosses big presentation called? Awesome?

I call that asshole behavior, too. And are you surprised a rape victim has a hard time and exploed with VERY HARD WORDS, a few even with four letters, when someone else messes with their plans to expose their attackers?

Question: Has she said why she quit, or offered any comment of her own other than sharing a private voicemail which contained no threats. Very strong words he’s using in that v-mail for sure. I also think it’s jut gossip, no crime there, and wow, way to try to shame a former boss for seeking accountability when you quit without notice - is how I also see it.

Thank you for sharing that. I’ve also been an asshole to people a few timesin my search for my own path to recovery. I’ve never shared a voicemail from someone I just stuck it to to try to make sure a rape victim looks like an asshole when I just left him in thelurch, again, days before the big presentation.

Not a good voicemail, but I also think saying asshole things is a great way to see that people close the door behind them on the way out of your life - which I suspect she was?

tl;dr Asshole is not a crime. Yes, not nice, bordering on really unkind. But nasty??

I’m going to be back in a few hours, rather than staying engaged in this here today.

Thank you for all in advance for cooler heads.

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were Kauffman and Phoenix rape victims, trying to out their attackers who were massively powerful players - gatekeeping them from their industry?

I don’t think so, so I think I missed the analogy. Could you have another go please? Sounds promising, but didn’t get across to me yet.

Or possibly a farce put on to draw anger at such people, which there wasn’t much of when he started?

It’s not much of a show, but I hear a lot of Hollywood directors were not looking to help him out, so he sorta had to DIY

Sure: outing someone shouldn’t involve creating a band. Or a small army of people (supportive people, but not this many).

I really don’t see the use of making it so elaborate.


Are you telling a victim what they should do? Please. Think on that.

Time may tell, yet, no? Wait. Please! Slow our rollls!!

I’m not telling a victim what to do. I’m telling a perpetrator what to do.


Being a victim doesn’t mean that he has done questionable things himself. It means he’s a victim. I see no reason not to believe him, even as I question his “angel” BS.


Exactly. Having been wronged is not a “do whatever you want” pass. It doesn’t change that you were wronged. You can be a victim and a jerk. Your jerkhood doesn’t erase that you were a victim.


He isn’t a victim?

Weird that victims who aren’t angels, can’t be victims.

It’s one or the other, black or white?? Is that reason? sounds like gut.

I respect your opinion, i can’t say you’ve supported your assertion. I’m game if you are, my mind is open to change and if yours is too we could tak.

Sounds like you’ve collected sufficient evidence to pass a hard judgement on him, for yourself. No challenge there. I hold a different opinion, and in asking about your opinion I am not intending to disrepect you. If your mind is made up, then I’d jsut be harrassing you going on. But if it’s open to the possibility I am onto somethind I’d like to talk it out with you, slowly, moving forward. I find you very reasonable, but I am surprised to hear you say he can’t be a victim and a perp. Most perps are victims. Most victims are NOT perps, not by a LONG shot.

Many victms have affect issues.

Unrealted, do you think that the people at CTW wear puppets on their hands 24/7, and some are monsters, some even with awful cookie addictions, because on stage they do that to make you think - and maybe teach you something using drama?

That’s not what I said at all. And there’s no point discussing it if my role is to be a strawman. As I said in my other post, being a victim doesn’t justify all your subsequent actions, and doesn’t allow you to victimise other people.


Caveat: I know basically nothing about Corey Feldman and only in this thread have vaguely connected him to being a child actor in Goonies.

But I will say: providing personal help to individual people is a tricky situation. Even with best intentions it can tend towards exploitation. How do you know the people who need what only you provide aren’t also learning to perform what you want from them? Either consciously or subconsciously? It can get uncomfortable wondering if you’re effectively leveraging someone else’s poor position in the world just to feel better about yourself, and how they might be changing their behavior to accommodate your outsized role in their lives.

Yet, I have often received material, personal help from others when I was in a rough place, and have in turn provided it when I could, and believe that a lot of good has come from both sides of that equation. I just think when someone does find themselves in that more powerful role they should be very careful about their expectations, knowing that these expectations might not even be conscious, and welcome external criticism in the knowledge that the less powerful person is not in a place where they’re safe to question the arrangement themselves. And, only seeing what I do in this thread, I see a lot to legitimately question about this arrangement.

Edit: it seems Corey’s recent fashions and the idea of creating a mansion of people he’s “helping” is really mirroring Michael Jackson in more ways than one. Huh.


It has been well established that while many people who were abused as children do not grow up to abuse children themselves, EVERY SINGLE PERSON who abuses children were themselves abused as children.

It is quite possible that someone could be a victim AND a perpetrator. It is equally important to recognize the latter as well as the former.


The mansion explicitly also follows this house (I started this at the proper spot)

(if you go back about 10 minutes from the starting point I posted, the person who started this business up was preyed upon himself)

This whole documentary is very good.


As ChickieD and I were already discussing a couple days ago, it’s more than just possible; far too often, it’s probable - that’s the vicious cycle.


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This is a weird coincidence. My cousin runs a school for actors in Atlanta. It’s mostly children. And look what one of the school’s grads is up to!