Cyberpunk Dystopia Review

Hyperfocus is definitely a symptom: ADHD is an attention regulation disorder. Hyperfocus is also disregulated attention.

Time management is also a big flag: there tend to be two times – “now” and “not-now”. Anything that is “not-now” often gets ignored until it needs to be done “now”, which is generally too late.

A lot of what gets seen as laziness, including procrastination, is actually due to the brain being unable to process everything and choose a course of action. Or we procrastinate on things we want to do, simply because it’s an overwhelming amount of work at that moment. An example I like to use is leaving the office to go home. I am not a workaholic, but can often be found in the office late because my brain won’t motivate itself to do all the tasks required to get home: gather keys, coat and wallet, make sure computer is shut down, make sure I have my cellphone and lunch cooler (if I keep my lunch at my desk I am more likely to remember to eat), drive home (and do any necessary errands along the way, like get gas), either plan to get dinner or figure out something to eat (decisions? Don’t give me decisions)… it’s a lot. It’s easier to just stay put.

Cleaning often fits into that, because all the little things that get put off add up and become overwhelming. And no, we can’t train ourselves into picking up every piece or thing that is out of place immediately. Nobody actually does that. Everybody leaves something that they’ll “get to later” sometimes, because they’re running unexpectedly late, or something else has popped up that is more urgent, it’s just with executive dysfunction, it happens all the time. So your coffee cup in the sink has become all of them by the end of the week, and some of them now need scrubbing, and this is so simple, everybody says so, why can’t you just be a responsible adult…

Yeah, a lot of ableism gets drilled in and internalized, especially when people are like “well, everybody’s like that sometimes.” One of the big pushes for me that it was a real thing I might have, was when my mother had a stroke and suddenly was having problems with forgetting where she put things, or remembering she was cooking something, and for her it was traumatic, to my sister and father it was a sign of how far she’d slipped (and honestly, I think my father is ADHD, too, but for him it was a case of suddenly having no one managing all the things she used to), but I was like: you’re describing my everyday. 3 cups of water, tea or juice going at once? Yup. I either lost the others or forgot I poured it and got a new one. Milk left sitting on the counter because I forgot to put it back? You betcha. Late for work or an appointment because I can’t find my keys, or because I had to go back and check that I locked the door? So often.

I swear by my auto-shutoff electric kettle, InstantPot, stand mixer and dishwasher. I would kill for my own washer and dryer, on account of they would help so much in eliminating roadblocks to doing laundry.

Again, in my NT mother, those things I listed happening regularly were signs of damage after a stroke. For me, it was Tuesday. Or maybe Wednesday. I can’t be sure. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to try for the third time to make a morning cup of tea.


I would never mock the idea of domestic robots for what they can do for disabled people (I have neuroatypical issues too). I mock the idea for what they cannot do for the foreseeable future, and for the fact that the idea has become a stand-in for domestic slaves and mind-controlled minions.


Yeah, right now the cost for anything close to useful and availability to the consumer is basically putting this in pipe dream territory.

I don’t want a self-aware butterbot. I do want something with sensors that can recognize basic things like dishes and clothing, differentiate them from each other and the cat and can be programmed or scheduled to do basic tasks with said things. My dishwasher doesn’t care if I ask it to wash the dishes. A washing machine doesn’t fret that it’s had to do two loads today with extra rinse and spin on both.

A cleaning bot needs to be more mobile, dexterous and able to follow more complex instructions/steps, but otherwise I don’t see it as any different than the machines above. And I don’t see a benefit in paying another person to do those things when we could pay them to literally do anything else, including nothing. I sure as hell don’t want to offload that onto a life partner.

It can also prevent emotional abuse in the other direction, with the chore-doer unable to exploit the guilt or inability to fight back on the part of the person who needs the chores done.

Is it an easy problem? No. Is it achievable? I think it could be. Maybe not perfectly, but in much the same way that washing machines cut back on the abusive laundry industry (not eliminated, mind you, which should be a long term goal… eliminate the abuse, anyway), these could impact exploitative housekeeping industry.

But as a woman who has spent her entire life being judged, shamed, berated and even punished for her housekeeping I can tell you right now that I am not just going to be able to overcome it. And women get the brunt of that far more than men. A man can get away with an untidy work or living space. A woman cannot – especially when too many people don’t believe women can have this disability.

So, yeah, I am going to get hopeful when I see that there’s a possible assistance technology that could become available. And if they market it as a time/labour saver to have a wider market and make it more available to those who need it, because it’s developed while we still must live under capitalism, it’s not going to stop me from wanting it.


Thanks for the description. You’ve helped me feel better. Some of what you said definitely sounds familiar. I still have a strong sense of “what will the neighbors think?” that my mom instilled in me from an early age. I was so embarrassed to have the plumber this morning see my mess in the basement. (So what?) And it took me ages to actually phone the plumbers’ to get them in to fix some things that have needed fixing for months (of course, COVID didn’t help with that).


The reality is that a trained doctor’s diagnosis (psychologist or psychiatrist specializing in adult ADHD is best) is the only way to be sure. But if these reasonate hard, that may be a clue.

To bring this back on topic, it’s a bit of a cyberpunk dystopia that some of the best help we can get is from random people on the internet, because our mental health ecosystem is so fucked up.

Here’s the other funny thing: strategies derived by NTs for staying organized and on task don’t always work for us, but it’s astonishing (to them, at least) how much of a difference our coping techniques can work for NTs. I once shocked an efficiency expert brought in to help us with our overload, because his conclusion was that there were no efficiencies to be found, we’d already discovered them all, and the only solution really was more staff. Uh, yeah, because one of the classic ADHD coping strategies is eliminating any unnecessary steps.

Out efficiencying the efficiency expert is simultaneously something to be proud of and profoundly depressing, BTW. Efficiency experts mere existence is a sign of dysfunction and dystopia.


If we want to discuss smaller solutions, I think I created a Useful Things thread…


My monitor turned into a mirror. Holy shit. Not everything of course, but maybe 75%.


Oh yeah. And people, after derailing your train(s) of thought then trying to be helpful with “Just get it to me by 8 tomorrow night.” No, wait, stand there and wait, if I don’t do it right now, then it goes into the ‘not now’ pile and I won’t even think of it again until maybe next Tuesday or something.

The forgetting to eat and drink thing also is familiar.

A robot could try to push a routine and deadlines. But I don’t know how. Even if the clock says it’s time to eat, if I’m not ready to eat now, that’s a ‘not now’ thing. I’ll get to it when I’m done with the things I’m doing now, maybe. What could a robot do for that that an alarm clock couldn’t? I live on internal time, now is the time that I’m doing what I’m doing now, other things aren’t what I’m doing so they’re ‘not now’.


Walk through a room on a schedule, locate things it recognizes as “dish” or “laundry” and put them in the appropriate place? Hell, even one that could simply unload the dishwasher and put dishes away would be awesome. It wouldn’t need me to decide “the time is now”. Or, even if I did decide the timing, I wouldn’t be doing something my brain can’t quite put together.

But instead, we’re training missiles to fly to specific street addresses and rather than something useful like “dish recognition”, we’re pretending we can teach computers faces well enough to predict emotions. I don’t want one that"s imitating empathy, I want ones that can pick up my goddamn socks.


My contention is that if we get “AI” that does either, they’ll start asking for time off.

And we should give it to them.


“Welcome to Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong.”


The company town: another fine old American tradition.


Democratic governor

Vote blue no matter who? :expressionless:


I don’t know what to make of this…



From this article:

To put this into perspective, one Bitcoin transaction is the “equivalent to the carbon footprint of 735,121 Visa transactions or 55,280 hours of watching YouTube,” according to Digiconomist, which created what it calls a Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index. (Critics of this comparison point out that the average Bitcoin transaction is worth about $16,000, while the average Visa transaction is worth $46.37, but you get the point.)

OK, fine. Let’s suppose that an average bitcoin transaction is intrinsically worth 345 times that of a lowly visa transaction.

Visa still wins this altered comparison by a factor of 2130.


In recent years the P2P Foundation has become the dominion of a single man: its founder Michel Bauwens. Despite its stated commitment to the “commons”, under Bauwens’ direction the P2P Foundation has increasingly come to represent an understanding of the commons as a place of white privilege and punitive male fragility.