We really need to bring the word “groovy” back.
It never left!
(let’s not bring that one back)
Definitely not the same actor, age aside.
Elderly Woman Says Star Trek License Plates Stuck Her With Thousands of Dollars Worth of Speeding Tickets
The picture
The other day the CW had some two hour special about “Greatest Christmas Movies” in which the interviewees discussed all different criteria. They not only had Brent Spiner but both Terry Farrell and Nicole
de Boer. Both Jadzia and Ezri Dax-es! (Or is the plural Daxodes?)
Das Dax > die Däxer.
I’m sure that someone will tell me that it is incorrect German, and all I can say that is it’s not German, its Trill.
Finally some mentioned vowel mutation.
I’ll lay a vote for one Dax, many Dexen. Dexeren?
Even if you did go with Greek and Latin, at least the consonant should still change. Rex becomes Reges; Dux becomes Duces; Ajax becomes Ajantes. It feels like we are missing out on a lot of inventive plurals by just copying octopus all the time.
It’s plurals all the way down.