Not only would they damage equipment, they might also immobilize the crew by settling in their laps and refusing to move.
Ah but the Borg don’t sit down. Cats would trip them though! And claw at their tubes and wires
OMG, look what Sean Ferrick is wearing in today’s Trekculture video about Wesley Crusher!!!
And now they have this…
I get what you are saying, and had that debate with myself. Buuuut… it’s so cool! I give transparent aluminum a pass.
I remember when he walked on screen when Star Trek III: The Search for Spock came out: everybody in the theatre howled.
Anything involving Spock’s parents is always amazing.
Enjoy 10 minutes of Shatner being Shatner. He is smooth and charming on the mic.
But the highlight is at approximately 3:10, when he can’t remember the name of “the gentleman who plays Chekov.”
Do you think the guy speaking at about 2:00 minutes in (Ralph Winter?) regrets his fashion choice?
I hope so.
I don’t know, whatever warranty it has needs to be pretty good.
Would watch that…
lol but Jeffrey Combs Beverly has me uncomfortably intrigued …
It must just be because I love Beverly so much