Hey that last arrow dented my car across the street!
If you want to know how this came to be, this book has an explanation…
That book sounds really interesting
It’s good! I think it’s a good argument about how rebelliousness sort of became commodified and mainstreamed…
She also did a great book on the history of the Athens music scene… She did her undergrad at UGA…
Oh did you get around to reading that? I loved it. Her having been a part of the scene that the book is about made it a lot more fun to read.
Yeah, it was very good! She did a good job of balancing it as a sort of memoir and a history of an important music scene.
Did whoever made that really think he’d be so petty? I know he certainly regretted the loss at the time, but I doubt he regretted all the years of work he did since he left the white house… who cares about Reagan’s stupid ass. He can burn in torment forever…
I didn’t interpret it as him doing it because of the loss, but rather because of everything Reagan did to fuck up the US.
…and the rest of the world. I drew the same conclusion.
Found this video today and while he talks about Gaiman I think it applies well to any other celebrity we fancied. In my case it would also apply to Warren Ellis, as well as several musicians.