Elections 2023-2024

The fucking rednecks have won. The planet is fucked.

Why do my most cynical thoughts have to be proved MUCH LESS TRUMPED you fucking stupid motherfuckers - I thought Trump would win in spite of the vote via Electoral College or SCOTUS bullshit - BUT YOU STUPID RACIST SEXIST FUCKING DUMBASSES ELECTED A KNOWN RAPIST, CONMAN, MORON, IDIOT DICTATOR by choice because that’s what you want! Fuck you!

FUCK ALL OF YOU! The sweet little old church lady next door - YOU ARE A RACIEST PIECE OF SHIT FUCK YOU. The guy that runs the feed store - GO FONDLE YOUR GUNS YOU STUPID IDIOT WHILE ALL YOUR OTHER RIGHTS ARE STRIPPED AWAY. The dude where I used to work who listens to Ben Shapiro YOU ARE SO SMART GO FUCK YOURSELF IN HELL.

ARRRGGGGGHHHH! Yes I have already downed two bottles of wine this morning why do you ask?


Unfortunately, due to geographic proximity, economic dependencies, and a large military imbalance the relationship between Canada and MAGA America will likely rememble this (no offense to our Suomi friends here I hope):

Or, worse, active collaboration if a conservative government takes power in Canada.


We will not forgive
Nor will we forget
The willful deceit that spread
Your future is dark
Soon filled with regret
The plan was to bury us where we stand
To suffocate at last
But we will rise to claim this land

Our quest is neverending
Freedom anthems are resounding
For the best is yet to come
So we will stand!
Endlessly in search for answers
Through the storm in constant danger
Never backing down and striving
Till the end!

Mourn and rage and cry and weep, but after the tears dry, we stand.


The same :finland: who is now in NATO and the :eu:?

We shall see what the Conservatives do. Their leader has a bit of schmutz on him from backing the wrong horse a couple of times. He’s never worked a real job in his life, which :canada: don’t like in their politicians. If we can rein in some of the MAGA/:ru:/:iran:/:cn: manipulation in the media we might turn out to be stroppier than expected.


:frowning_face: I prefer the parts of history where they make cool art and great scientific discoveries, and generally be badass but not awful to each other.

Not sure we’re living in one of those times though (or that anyone ever did…)


This is obviously @mindysan33 's territory, but I think most of those things happened when the empathetic part managed to persuade the self-interested part, and sometimes despite that not happening…


Not quite the same Finland. It took them four years after the demise of their neighbour’s thuggish and expansionist regime to join the EU, and they only were able to join NATO in 2023 after their neighbour’s new regime proved its own thuggish and expansionist intentions in Ukraine.

During the Cold War, when the term was coined, they were in what everyone recognised was a very different and difficult position and did the best they could (and that after proving themselves against the USSR in the 40s).

I hope you’re right about the Conservative leader. Maybe the US election result will convince people of the danger of giving him and his party members a government.


Given the high turnover rate of Trump’s previous administration and his rocky relationship with his previous VP I wouldn’t be so sure Vance is going to keep his position that long either.


I am starting to miss the good old days when one could find comfort in Pence’s mediocrity.


Could he actually fire his VP?


He could certainly ask Vance to resign. Or just send a lynch mob after him like he did with the last guy.


Not according to the law.


Since when did Il Douche give one solitary damn about the law?


with all sincerity, t’s like all the guys ‘n’ gals who went to school and bullied me voted for the GOP.


That would have to be part of his official duties though.

Recalling, of course, that “legal” is now defined as anything he does that’s part of his official duties.


I went to a high school in SC, I feel your pain (and still wouldn’t pee on any of those assholes if they were on fire).


I was thinking this exact same thing during my mental post-mortem this morning.


I have said it was a mistake every single time I’ve mentioned it. You are not allowed to talk about people upset at genocide without doing so, apparently. But they’re not the ones who won Trump a majority. There’s no reason to single them out right now, right beside the people who are for genocide and want to see more of it. That strikes me as just hurrying to start the same circular firing squad where everyone has to turn on other people who don’t oppose things the right way. Same with the snark about primaries. Because heaven forbid we ever pull together in the face of fascism, stand by each other when people are feeling hurt and vulnerable and sick, instead of using the opportunity to sneer and say I told you so.


I thought what the DNC was doing was going to work this time. It wasn’t an I-told-you-so, I was processing my own incomprehension at the result. Apologies, everyone.


where I first learned the term finlandization


(I was too young to have read his sources.)