He fall up and go boom!
And closed several major airports in Florida for several hours.
I’m sure all those passengers were thrilled with Elno and his “rapid unscheduled disassembly.”
A discussion I used to have with my father went along these lines; he’d argue that civil servants were overpaid, even though they were/are paid less than their private sector counterparts, and I’d then ask “so you believe that you don’t deserve the same level of service as the customer of a private company does?” Of course, what he really believed was that civil servants should be happy to do the same work for less for … reasons.
I am DEI-ing of laughter.
Video of the debris from one of the nearby planes.
Huh. Russian connections for one of the putative Doge employees. I’m shocked (/s)
It’s fine, after all, Elon is gonna save us by getting us to mars… /s
Well, that’s the end of DOGE’S security clearances, right?
Staffed in part by young engineers with no prior experience in government,
Now, this allegation just isn’t fair at all. I’m sure at least one of the DOGEs does not have an engineering degree, nor does he sit on the right side of a locomotive cab.
That Krebs article is full of the kind of stuff that would have had you pushed out of a New York hotel room window in the 1950’s.
is the biggest exporter of toilet paper to the
Maybe should ask our
companies to start printing “DOGE Security Clearance” and “DOGE Engineering Certificate” and the like on each individual sheet.
I’ve seen w/krasnov’s visage on it, but it would make me puke every time I walked into the bathroom.
That train already left the station.
From a story about that explosion…
SpaceX was working on a mishap investigation into what caused the earlier incident but was allowed by the FAA to proceed with the new test flight before completing the inquiry.
Now will they call out conflict of interest or are they waiting for someone to die?
Do you really think they care about that? So some peon dies. Things happen. Move on, next one up!