Vivian has glorious hair.
They’re not funny. You have to be funny. Most of them have the charisma of a soaking bathrobe.
…which is funny!
Damn. I read the article and interview. At 20, Vivian has the wisdom of someone three times her age. She is fierce.
Desperation to prop up Tesla’s stock is mounting, all hands on deck!
I’d argue it does, in that there’s really two dynamics at play: Elno has been revealed to be a fraud, so the genius mystique that inflated the company value is gone; but also Elno has been revealed to be a murderous, government-destroying fascist, which means he’s not just failing to add value to the company, he’s actively a liability as well. But yeah, either way Tesla is fucked because it’s so wildly overvalued that replacing Elno with an actually competent CEO who isn’t a liability will still mean their stock will crater.
Not surprising - it was (yet another) broken promise by Elno. He said they were going to make 50,000 electric semis a year starting in 2019, took pre-orders, but so far have only managed to make 150, only a couple dozen of which they actually sold. (Which is apparently just as well, because the designs are supposed to be quite bad.) In true Musk fashion, for the last five years he’s been promising 50K yearly production “next year.”
“Much like her father, Wilson is extremely online; unlike her father, she’s really good at it.”
It would be one hell of a sick burn, if it weren’t so completely accurate.
I hope they misdirected him. Because he’s going to share some of that with his Chinese business partners.
Some? All.
So it’s going on as planned tomorrow is what I get from that.