I was making a small ‘Constant Reader’ joke, as I am currently re-reading The Dark Tower book 7 again.
Coincidentally, that graph looks an awful lot like the one used to illustrate the wikipedia article for “Dead cat bounce”:
How giving money to people voting is controversial? Isn’t It just plain crime? In many countries this is a reason for someone to have their candidacy challenged and, if they win the election, subsequently undergo an impeachment process.
The generals cannot be happy about this shit…
I really hope pissing them off makes the Orange Coup a bit more difficult.
Ka is like… four wheels. A ka-tet of wheels, if you will.
I’d think we’d have to go back a fair number of baby mamas before they could credibly claim he wasn’t awful while fathering their kids. Grimes is well within the “should’ve known better” fallout zone I believe!
grimes is also a weirdo that seems to hover along the ancap ideas, so i think instead of the “should’ve known better” is on the “i never though the leopards would eat my face” one.