The deliberate distortion of truth
After the recent incel van event in Toronto, a local radio station was asking people to call in if they had any information to share about the perpetrator.
Most people sounded honest, ie: when the announcers pressed for info, they would say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” at an appropriate time, when the info being asked for was outside their sphere of knowledge.
Then this one guy came on and… never mind what he said, but it was blatantly fake enough that the radio announcer made a statement about how this was all unverified, and how the station was just providing a forum for people to share.
I can understand when small children make up stuff so they can join in group storytelling. I do not understand when anyone past adolescence does it.
- 15 minutes of fame?
- Further political agenda?
- Delusional and/or paranoid?
I suspect #2 is most probable.
- pwning the normies?
I think we have likely reached a point where 2, 3, and 4 are all one nihilistic whole.
See also: IQ tests. They’re designed deliberately to have a bell curve, and to prove that people who have mastered the skill “can take an IQ test” (i.e. those who can pay the most for education) are smarter than everyone else.