As a follow up to the previous horrible news coming out of that region
And it’s a feature because the disgusting parody human that is Elon Musk would never look at a Sudanese woman as a person.
Potentially hilarious if this pans out:
Cops seriously screwed up, and it seems like the detention/arrest of Mangione may not withstand legal scrutiny. If that wasn’t legal, then the evidence they collected, the evidence that’s so damning, gets tossed out. I’m not sure they have a case without it.
Part of me is conjuring up some scenario where the cops had some family member suffer/die because of the insurance company, and were deliberately trying to botch the arrest, but I’ve seen so many videos that make it clear that cops routinely come up with bullshit justifications for detaining/arresting people, and illegally demanding ID from people, so this is probably just cops being incompetent cops. They’re used to doing things in the sloppiest, most illegal ways, but never suffer any pushback because presumably most of the people they interact with don’t have lawyers, much less good ones, and most cases get plead out without even going to court.
Course with the conservative SC’s lust to shred all precedent, I’m sure they would just looooove to get their hands on this case and not only overturn Miranda but also invent a new right for cops to use fictional pretexts at any point in the arrest process for any reason.